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  1. Mr John

    Intake and exhaust question 9'x11'x7 1/2' room

    Also with that 3x9 opening wont that allow light in (that you don't want) when it comes time to flip to 12/12? You will have to incorporate some kind of light shield. With that opening and the 6in intake fan you should definitely have enough flow to supply the 12 in exhaust fan. Is that...
  2. Mr John

    Lumigrow pro 325

    Would love to know what type of LED's LG uses
  3. Mr John

    Scammed by Attitude Seed Bank

    So much hate against Attitude when it appears mostly the consumers own fault! Why can't people assume responsibility when it their fault? Guess it is very easy to blame everyone else but yourself, especially when ordering what is considered contraband in the US! I am placing an order today even...
  4. Mr John

    Lumigrow pro 325

    Lumbo you are right, it is bright as hell. Painful even when just glancing at it.
  5. Mr John

    Lumigrow pro 325

    Just a few weeks and I will be starting my own 2x3 garden. Sprouting from seeds T5 HO then onto the Lumigrow when they root in good. Been pricing a 400/600 HPS setup just in case, I dont want to go that route unless I have too. Will mean having to deal with allot of heat to get rid of.
  6. Mr John

    Best tasting portable vaporizers?

    I don't know why they are on back-order for so long, I resorted to buying a used one on Ebay. I have not tried it yet sad to say.
  7. Mr John

    Mushroom Kits sold in High Times

    Gotcha, thanks for your advice and thanks for saving me some $$$
  8. Mr John

    $1400 Electric Bill for 1 Bdrm Apt (HELP)

    Sounds like its much cheaper to buy it than grow it
  9. Mr John

    I have a problem,is there someone to help me?

    Ultimate thread jacker.
  10. Mr John

    top of the cola turning brown near harvest...what to do?

    That top looks dead as hell and possibly beyond saving.
  11. Mr John

    I have a problem,is there someone to help me?

    Pavlin, Yoda is giving you great advice here. You are over feeding your plants! He is saying to weaken your solution dramatically for a few days (100 - 200 ppm), then raise your solution strength up to 500 ppm and see how your ladies react.
  12. Mr John

    I have a problem,is there someone to help me?

    You are very welcome, hope it helps you. Lord knows when I start my grow in 5-6 weeks from now I will be asking for help/advice also!
  13. Mr John

    Tramadol questions

    Oopps forgot to ask, Does anyone else get dry mouth after a dosing of Tramadol?
  14. Mr John

    Why is C99 sooo talked about?

    You are wrong friend. Almost 2 years later and it is still highly popular. Sorry to renew an old thread, but it had to be said!!!!!!!
  15. Mr John

    Day 1 flower. Here we go!

    Noobie here, they look pretty milky to me and I think the next stage is they will turn amber on you. Do you have any amber at all? Curious what the pros here will say, but i feel they will say not ready yet. Learning everyday from you all!
  16. Mr John

    $1400 Electric Bill for 1 Bdrm Apt (HELP)

    Surprised the Feds aren't busting your door down with that bill.
  17. Mr John

    I have a problem,is there someone to help me?

    Try this: Plus it looks like there is moss growing on your rockwool. They sell covers that keep light off preventing moss. Not sure if moss hurts but I bet it doesn't help.
  18. Mr John

    WARNING: Do not Buy Lighthouse Hydro Tents !!Fire Hazzard!!

    Same here, glad you caught it. Do you guys think that the light, in particular UV damages and weakens plastic? I do, and that is one thing I like about my LED light, no UV output that can damage and cause brittlization of the plastic pieces. Damn I think i made up a new word!
  19. Mr John

    Mushroom Kits sold in High Times

    Is the kit worth the money, and is the product any good? Haven't tried shrooms in decades but was thinking about growing them for a special night for myself.
  20. Mr John

    Tramadol questions

    Been a Tram fan for many months now. Not only does it help rid pain, it puts me in a happy place and I can sleep thru the night without nightmares. I love it (Tram not nightmares!)