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  1. Mr John

    Neighbors ratted me out

    Sorry for your loss and stupid ass neighbor. You did right by not telling the pigs anything at all. They are always full of shit and use scare tactics, I am older and wiser enough now to tell them piss off and let's see what they can do. Never tell them anything! Will always come back to haunt...
  2. Mr John

    Water hardness value help

    You got it.
  3. Mr John

    Day 23 - going 12/12 in one week.

    Grats on the lady! I thought that clones are not recommended once the would be momma shows her sex. Not 100% sure though
  4. Mr John

    Half of leaf is Green the other half is Yellow

    Hell ya, you have something unique! Grow that baby out
  5. Mr John

    Tramadol questions

    Oh shit that is funny, with the dry mouth I also get itchy after awhile. This is after a 100mg dose. what is up with the itching... BTW I usually go for 50mg and things go fine, but once in awhile (Pretty rarely) i will try 100. That's when the itching comes in, not bad at all but enough that I...
  6. Mr John

    AREA 51 SG160: Liberty Haze

    Looking good so far!
  7. Mr John

    need help plant looks dead

    Where the hell are the leaves man, did you pull them off or did they drop? No wonder its dying, no leaves = no food/energy for the plant.
  8. Mr John

    6 weeks in, hermie plant developing seeds in lower calyxes

    Thanks for sharing the pictures, I need to learn that these things happen, I too would have thought they were just super swollen calyx's. And that is some serious frosting going on there!
  9. Mr John

    WTF ? Weird Female !

    Was going to ask also as the picture totally sucks. Too much contrast with the sun/shadows blocking out the tiny leaf. Get closer next time and people wont have to ask what it is that you are trying to show them.
  10. Mr John

    WTF ? Weird Female !

    What I was thinking also
  11. Mr John

    I have a problem,is there someone to help me?

    Pavlin any updates? Did you drop your solution to .07 EC? ( do NOT go higher than that for now)
  12. Mr John

    Cloning help

    Hey Tommy, how do you like those rapid rooter plugs? I was in the process (all done now) of ordering everything needed for my indoor hydroponic grow. I plan on starting from seeds and was going to use rockwool cubes until I read about the RR plugs. Liking the idea that they are PH neutral I...
  13. Mr John

    Cloning help

    curious also, when is the right time to transplant. I would take a wild stab and think when the roots are long enough to be able to reach down in the nut solution if growing hydro. If you are planting soil I would think at any time now seeing roots are forming. Just watch out and don't overfeed...
  14. Mr John

    odd smell? health risk?

    I wouldn't risk smoking it but I would be curious and look at the buds thru a mag glass just to see how far it spread on the buds. I thought I read somewhere that bud rot basically starts from inside the bud so by the time it makes it to the outer part that we can see it is much too late to save.
  15. Mr John

    What is flushing ?

    Chuck talk about irony, when I soak my corn I add sea salts haha.
  16. Mr John

    What is flushing ?

    You guys can argue till blue in the face, I plan on flushing my crop when the time comes, look at it this way, it can't hurt so wth.
  17. Mr John

    What is flushing ?

  18. Mr John

    Lumigrow pro 325

    Which one did you get? Would like to see your grow when you use it
  19. Mr John

    Lumigrow pro 325

    Doing an indoor grow and do not want to deal with the crazy heat output, plus I like to try new things out. How can we progress as a society if we remain idle and never venture out to try out new things? Even if we failed that one time we still progressed. That's why LED. I see your point...
  20. Mr John

    Germination (new technique?)

    good lord, we are boiling seeds now. Just put them little bastards in a damp paper towel for fuck sake and stop trying to reinvent the wheel.