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  1. Mr John

    What is flushing ?

    So much back and forth on this subject. As a noob it certainly seems it will help rid of any accumulated nutes in the plant. Flushing might not be the right term I think, not sure what I would call it, but it seems by not giving the plant any nutes and just water this will force her to use up...
  2. Mr John

    Can I grow Auto flower and regular flowering plants at the same time

    gotcha, awesome Idea. had not thought of that. Thank you Sadj and Big Steve!
  3. Mr John

    Can I grow Auto flower and regular flowering plants at the same time

    I should know better and have learned so much from you all and from lurking. I would think not but am curious if it is possible. I have auto AK-47 that I want to grow but also want to grow regular photoperiod strains also in the same grow room
  4. Mr John

    What Led's to get?

    Thank you for posting the charts. I understand now. When I leave afghanistan and get home one of the first projects (besides the infamous honey do list) is to setup my Jardine DR90II grow room and get the LG 320 fired up. I plan on starting with 4-6 plants in my Botanicare E/F system. I will...
  5. Mr John

    Pacific NorthWest 400W Solar Storm 4 TGA & 2 Unknown Bag seeds Plus veggies

    Hello Tar, nice setup you have going there. Question for ya on TGA seeds. I see there is one by me near Tacoma, do they only do wholesale? Or are you able to purchase just a few? When I hear wholesale I think large quantities.... I would like to get some seeds from them but not sure how to go...
  6. Mr John

    Lumigrow pro 325

    Stop spamming that website please. You have more than one post telling folks to go there, cheesy name also. I would not buy there based on the name alone, nothing like a package coming for you in the mail with that name on it.
  7. Mr John

    What Led's to get?

    Hello Tags, first off I respect your experience and value your input. I am a noob soon to be grower that has a LG 325 Pro light. I would like to know where you pulled your facts from stating the LG use twice as wattage as the other companies. I do agree that they are $$, I got a good deal on...
  8. Mr John

    What Led's to get?

    Got me a Lumigrow 325 that is US made and comes with a 5 year warranty. Will start a grow journal next month sometime when I get home, I am very curious to see how the 325 performs. I did try it out for a few weeks on some pepper plants and all seemed well, at full power is is bright as hell...
  9. Mr John

    First Timer to Hydroponics - Please help

    I plan on using these to start my seeds in. No mess and you can plant the plugs/seedlings directly into your clay pebbles. Much easier if you ask me than rinsing away soil and shocking your seedlings...
  10. Mr John

    Where can I find G13 C99?

    Bonanza has c99, not sure about the g13 though. GL
  11. Mr John

    bodhi seeds

    Waiting forever for Dank Sinatra strain to be released.................
  12. Mr John

    What are some good places to get seeds?

    Bonanza gets my vote, 3 orders so far. They are in EU so you should be able to get them shipped no problems.I live in the US and have customs to worry about, they send discreetly and with guarantees. I have no reason to go anywhere else as they have a pretty big selection.
  13. Mr John

    Bad high experience

    I greened out on WW. First time smoking since HS and that was like 30 years ago. Was not fun but it passed and things were ok from there, whole body tingled and i broke out in a full body sweat and then barfed lol. Took it easier next time and showed WW some respect.
  14. Mr John

    the first branch ive ever harvested

    Sorry noob here, what you mean by foxtail? That good or bad?
  15. Mr John

    the first branch ive ever harvested

    Looks awesome, good job and cannot wait till i get my grow going and hopefully get a good harvest like you did. I like the Kitty in the background!
  16. Mr John

    Cinderella 99 CFL Grow

    Gonna be growing me some c99 myself here in a few weeks. What version did the best, the veg then flip or the 12/12 from seed? Thanks for your help!!
  17. Mr John

    Spider mites destroying my ladies. Help.

    After reading that article I would stay away from avid.
  18. Mr John

    What Kind of Insect is This?

    An excellent garden addition!
  19. Mr John

    When should I start the fan?

    It's great to share experience but really... when do I turn on the fan. This only the beginning of more basic questions to follow, I mean if the OP asks about a fan, what is next, water, nutes, ph, temps, RH etc... I believe in researching first then asking, but that's me.
  20. Mr John


    ???? Odd comment. Anyway fresh is best. Mix just before use, simple enough