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  1. cobyb

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    I aerate my water a minimum of 3 hours, and preferably 24hrs with 1/2tsp South Cascades SLF-100 per every 5 gallons. Currently I am using 2oz Canna BioVega 3-1-5, 1.1oz Natures Nurture 5-0-0, 35ml Cannazyme, 5ml Aptus Startboost, 4.5ml Aptus FaSilitator. I foliar with the Natures Nuture at 5ml...
  2. cobyb

    Happy outdoor plant????

    The lower leaves on the middle picture that are chlorotic and necrotic should be removed IMHO. I am very new to growing Cannabis, but the same goes for any plant in my garden. While the discolored leaves have not fallen off, they are generally harbors for pests to start their take over.
  3. cobyb

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    I have the full Aptus booster line that I will use, along with Bio Flores for base npk. Any suggestions?
  4. cobyb

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    I received 2 GC clones and 2 "King Kush" seed starts from my friend. I have had them for 2 weeks now, and I do not harden off. All gardening I have done is in direct exposure of SoCal sunlight. We haven't received rain in quite some time so things are a bit dry. GreenC GreenC 2 Is the trunk...
  5. cobyb

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    This is my first time growing. Any rough estimates as to the amount of end medicine? BubbleGum? Blue Bag Seed BubbleGum2? Blue bag seed BubbleGum? BubbleGum2?
  6. cobyb

    Bubblegum glum

    I was unable to lift them into a flood tray or anything of the likes, so I had to improvise. I flushed as you recommended but with a few modifications. I used 40 gallons of 24hr areated ph 8.2 water. I added a 1.5 dose of cannazym and 3 teaspoons of slf-100. Ph was reduced to 7.4. I watered...
  7. cobyb

    Bubblegum glum

    Apparently I am in the wrong section. Can an Admin change this to plant problems?
  8. cobyb

    First time grow! How's it look?

  9. cobyb

    First time grow! How's it look?

    In the first picture is that plant on the left always shaded by the middles foliage?
  10. cobyb

    Bubblegum glum

    I have tried a few things in the past few days that seem to show promising results. 1. dug a 14'x6'x1.5' hole to reduce height and container light exposure. 2. added the epsom salt to my regime. (There is a noticeable reduction of new necrotic or chlorotic tissue on old growth.) 3. I use tap...
  11. cobyb

    Bubblegum glum

  12. cobyb

    Bubblegum glum

    A month ago some local kids thought they could make a quick buck and stole 3 of my 4, at the time, ladies. I had started these from seed, hand selecting them from the 11 (2males) I started with and the turdbucket took it as if it was his to start. Well long story short I found him, he returned...
  13. cobyb

    Bubblegum glum

  14. cobyb

    Need help identifying these bugs in Northern California...

    green one is a they tend to bore into the stem and disrupt flow and spreading infection. My experience is they are very quick to evade as they can see very well, so place a hand opposite of the branch to flush them towards you, and use your...
  15. cobyb

    Bubblegum glum

    The bbg up picture is the lady with the problem. They were both in 7 gallons, 3 weeks ago. I would welcome anyones ideas on the cause of the leaf veins to become brittle and necrotic like this?
  16. cobyb

    2 Plants, 2 Problems

    What time are you spraying neem? what is the tea like condensation on the leaves in the first two pictures? What is the condensation on the quoted picture?
  17. cobyb

    Anyone seen this before/Know what it is/Does ??

    Could you possibly go back and take another picture but hold a piece of paper or something behind the object to be seen, to stop the lense from focusing on the background?
  18. cobyb

    Bubblegum glum

    For the past 2 months i have had a slight problem with brown spotting, followed by chlorosis and then necrosis but only one-two individual leaves on the compound at any time and only on one plant. I think the necrotic tissue is caused by a vein sucker of sorts that actually bursts the veins...