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  1. cobyb

    Brown spots Potassium or Cal?

    Take what I say in regards to this matter with caution. I am not a seasoned cannabis grower.
  2. cobyb

    Brown spots Potassium or Cal? Bottom of page.
  3. cobyb

    Brown spots Potassium or Cal?

    Could it be Mn deficiency?
  4. cobyb

    Brown spots Potassium or Cal?

    Your older leaves only, are getting necrotic spots, then a yellowing of a single leaf or the whole compound?
  5. cobyb

    Do you have an unidentifiable bug? Look here...

    What are you trying to grow?
  6. cobyb

    Bubblegum glum

    This might be contrary to belief, but I feed my girls every day. I foliar them with nitrogen as this seems to use up the excess nutrients in the roots. It is my belief that the local lack of humidity, 12hrs of direct sun, 10-25 mph daily winds keep the plant transpiring very quickly. I have yet...
  7. cobyb

    Bubblegum glum

    I also hope my reply does not sound as if I know it all. Most of the time, on alot of subjects, I am a subject matter expert. This is not one. This is going into my body, and I have concerns about using things that might hamper me even more. I have a compromised immune system, suffer from...
  8. cobyb

    Bubblegum glum

    Thank you for your reply. I agree that pests do have a negative impact, and they can be trying at times, but I have found that spraying in an environment, that I have sustained for 3 years without spraying, is not advantageous to me. All of them have LadyBeetle and GreenLacewing eggs and larva...
  9. cobyb

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    Natures Nectar Nitrogen 5-0-0**
  10. cobyb

    Bubblegum glum

    I hand pick my plants daily. I do not spray unless it is absolutely necessary, my surrounding garden provides a farm for Green Lacewings, Ladybeetles, Parasitic Wasps, along with sacrifice crops for pests to take. I rub any bugs found into the stomata on the underside of the leaf. Is it...
  11. cobyb

    OMG HELP!!!

    My experience with plants in fruiting/flowering stage; If you break off a branch, the branch might root, but the fruit will drop and likely turn quicker than if it was matured. The fact that you were using a type of synthetic fertilizer leads me to believe that it probably shouldn't be smoked as...
  12. cobyb

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    I believe I might be behind the 8, comparative to your setup.
  13. cobyb

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    Great advice I will reduce to 3 maximu,m with only a single cycle of each and a "flush" before bed. I alternate between the N3 spray and the Epsom Salt spray but less could be an ok thing also. Prior to using ES, I used the N3 2 times a day. The increase in frequency is due to the different...
  14. cobyb

    OMG HELP!!!

    I would say to just harvest that nug and chuck it up to gravity.
  15. cobyb

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    Cross tying would take me 2 rolls of bonsai wire. 12$ apiece. I use it now, to increase the footprint of the BlueDream and one of the Bubblegum.
  16. cobyb

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    What type of cage would you recommend? I have 2"x4" welded wire, stucco wire, chicken wire. I also have a range of lumber to choose from.
  17. cobyb

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    The frequency of foliar sprays is due to ambient humidity here. I do not like the idea of something smothering the lungs of the plant, and since I am doing this in the morning, mid-morn, mid afternoon, evening, should it not facilitate a more even uptake of nutrients over an extended period of time?
  18. cobyb

    OMG HELP!!!

    I personally do not know, but I think you might run into problems with your branch doing stress type things, after being broken off in flower, then forced into 24hr.
  19. cobyb

    OMG HELP!!!

    Light cycle? For the "mother"
  20. cobyb

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    Can I get away with cross tying?