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  1. Soilgrownsmile

    nuggs 2016

    I wonder what they'd say if they flew over when we were on one of those...
  2. Soilgrownsmile

    nuggs 2016

    Oh ladder... Or.... How to reach those hard to reach places :)
  3. Soilgrownsmile

    2,500 plants!

    Ju if you rock synthetic or organic nutes, if you have power, your location of res / estimated gallons per irrigation/ if synthetic at what rate per hour in drip with regards to EC. (Influence of liquid ferts on ph)
  4. Soilgrownsmile

    2,500 plants!

    Lots of research , there's dozens of factors to consider whether it matters or not
  5. Soilgrownsmile

    2,500 plants!

    Reverse osmosis, what in your water contributes to those levels, ie. n,p,k,ca, iron, etc
  6. Soilgrownsmile

    Planting time?

    July in Ireland really?
  7. Soilgrownsmile

    Planting time?

    Everyday , reduce co2, create oxygen
  8. Soilgrownsmile

    When you ash your joint in your soda on accident, dang :/

    Lol I'm always end of the day medicating and I confuse my ash can with my fresh soda , I guess there could be worse side effects haha ...and ya I'm sure something romantic like that for valentines day she'd love -accidental ash In wine glass - oh my
  9. Soilgrownsmile

    When you ash your joint in your soda on accident, dang :/

    Happens all the time :/
  10. Soilgrownsmile

    Planting time?

    What's your day length at, increasing or decreasing
  11. Soilgrownsmile

    Planting time?

    Hmm IrelandIreland
  12. Soilgrownsmile


    Hp from thc bomb, diesel berry, amnesia haze, white widow, candy kush, and blueberry
  13. Soilgrownsmile


    Maybe time to transplant and take tin foil off, before they die I dunno
  14. Soilgrownsmile

    Rooftop SE Asia

    Oh tws hasn't posted any updates :/
  15. Soilgrownsmile

    nuggs 2016

  16. Soilgrownsmile

    nuggs 2016

    Oh my, but can you go as high as you want? Lol vertical high not medicated high :weed: