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  1. Soilgrownsmile

    nuggs 2016

    U sure they don't mean like 10x10 per plant?
  2. Soilgrownsmile

    nuggs 2016

    How do they let anyone run for president but only let people garden in the sq ft of a bathroom
  3. Soilgrownsmile

    Doing a Spring Crop in Cali, OK to put plants outdoors NOW Feb 10Th?
  4. Soilgrownsmile

    Doing a Spring Crop in Cali, OK to put plants outdoors NOW Feb 10Th?

    Think there's some in open show and tell 2016
  5. Soilgrownsmile

    Doing a Spring Crop in Cali, OK to put plants outdoors NOW Feb 10Th?

    Lots of tops make fine spring crops :weed:
  6. Soilgrownsmile

    nuggs 2016

    Omg wow
  7. Soilgrownsmile

    doublejj's next big adventure....Lone Oak Farms 2016

    What solar set up did you guys go with??
  8. Soilgrownsmile

    Who's growing what this season?

    Nice! What ammendments did you rock
  9. Soilgrownsmile

    Who's growing what this season?

    What size pots
  10. Soilgrownsmile

    Who's growing what this season?

    Cherry OG
  11. Soilgrownsmile

    Who's growing what this season?

    Probably tomatoes, some jalapeños, definitely both red and white onions, strawwwwberries! So good
  12. Soilgrownsmile

    getaway seeder/outdoor/greenhouse grow 2016

    Holy....low to mid 70s for the next week with a low of 48....0 is pretty chilly
  13. Soilgrownsmile

    Outdoor Sunshine 2016

    "It will be fun they said....just give some water they said...." Haha
  14. Soilgrownsmile

    Plant problem

    It's not a positive thing, risk em all or pull one ? Your xylem and phloem tissue are probably not going to work properly , creating only more issues the further you go along, opening up a host for pathogens, pests and diseases , once started they are spread long before you see anything
  15. Soilgrownsmile

    look what I did to this plant omg!

    >.< these guys and soda lately lol
  16. Soilgrownsmile

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    Hmm...May? Na not me :)
  17. Soilgrownsmile

    Candy Train

    There's an ugly ass pheno lol