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  1. giorgos

    Hello guys please some advise

    Blueberry and og lemon autos both familiar with the strain about quantity etc?
  2. giorgos

    Hello guys please some advise

    So you think with greek summer and sunlight i ll be ok?what npk to use and when cheers mate
  3. giorgos

    Hello guys please some advise

    What is silica ? Sorry for my english can i go a 20-20-20 npk from start to finish?i did this with my normal plants or another npk any suggestion welcome Feed them from second week? Sorry for my ignorence its my first auto grow third in total thanks for the response two of them are in 5 lt pots...
  4. giorgos

    Hello guys please some advise

    Thanks guys one last question what npk to use ?
  5. giorgos

    Hello guys please some advise

    J a I m planing to use 5 lt pots they say they can grow outdoors in the specs only half ounch you think ? Not using any nutes at all? Can,t do anything better with just sunlight? Thanks for the response
  6. giorgos

    Hello guys please some advise

    Hello to everyone i bought some auto seeds og lemon and blueberry kush planing to grow them outdoors in pots i live in greece so the weather is good first time autos though my questions are: Any general tips? When to feed them? The sunlight will be enough? What crop to expect from each plant...
  7. giorgos

    Is it normal?

    Thanks we ll see i ll keep you posted
  8. giorgos

    Is it normal?

    So you think i should restart?
  9. giorgos

    Is it normal?

    I can see them grow older but will they ever come to their full growth and finally to harvest i m asking cause if they ll not to try with something else i don t have the time i am growing with the sun
  10. giorgos

    Is it normal?

    Now that the days grows bigger wont they reveg?i m so confused to keep and wait them or just rip them off :/
  11. giorgos

    Is it normal?

    Here are some recent photos almost 10 weeks from seed flowering are they ok? Should i start a new grow are they gona grow bigger and get something from them ?
  12. giorgos

    Is it normal?

    So you think I ll be all right?sorry if I am asking the same things but I m a bit anxious greetings from Greece bro
  13. giorgos

    Is it normal?

    They will logically when day grows bigger not affecting my crop right?I mean I ll have a crop descent with no airy buds or something?
  14. giorgos

    Is it normal?

    You think I have an issue with those?
  15. giorgos

    Is it normal?

    Anyone?good morning from Greece cheers
  16. giorgos

    Is it normal?

    Here are some pics I took today from two of them the other two are similar what do you think are they ok?
  17. giorgos

    Is it normal?

    They are too young to get fed they ll burn for sure
  18. giorgos

    Is it normal?

    And if I so are they ok?
  19. giorgos

    Is it normal?

    I ll post some pictures on Thursday
  20. giorgos

    Is it normal?

    Thanks for the advices my friend greetings from greece