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  1. giorgos

    Is it normal?

    Everything will be OK when day time goes longer?sorry for my English
  2. giorgos

    Is it normal?

    So it's not a problem right?
  3. giorgos

    Is it normal?

    They are in small pots planing to move them in bigger and last ones at the end of the week
  4. giorgos

    Is it normal?

    Is it a problem? It's my second growth with the last one I did exactly the same things as with these ones with no problems
  5. giorgos

    Is it normal?

    Seedlings not clones I don't know what strain it is they are outdoors in pots moving them inside though during night time that the temperature is cold
  6. giorgos

    Is it normal?

    Hi everyone I have four plants in vege stage outdoor growing in pots 4 weeks old almost and they have start showing white pistils on the top of each plant is it normal will I have any issues?thanks in advance I ll post some photos soon PS I don't know the strain
  7. giorgos

    Is it normal?

    Hi everyone I have four plants in vege stage outdoor growing in pots 4 weeks old almost and they have start showing white pistils on the top of each plant is it normal will I have any issues?thanks in advance I ll post some photos soon
  8. giorgos

    is it normal??

    Will they fill or this is it they look too airy to me like something is going wrong my other plant is normal should I wait more from her? The picture bellow is from my other plant nothing to do with the first please help ps first grow
  9. giorgos

    is it normal??

    Hello guys I am growing a sativa outdoor in pots but the calyxes look like this 13 weeks in flower is it normal the white and brown pistils almost dissapeared is it ready should I wait more or is something wrong? Please help
  10. giorgos

    please help first grow how much more

    Thanks my friend ;)
  11. giorgos

    please help first grow how much more

    I feed them once a week nutes and once molasses between watering increase it ?
  12. giorgos

    please help first grow how much more

    Thanks for your reply you think they wiil fatten up more something noticeable during this period sorry for my english I am foreigner
  13. giorgos

    please help first grow how much more

    What do you mean by water them heavy? I water them every two to three days they look airy to you?
  14. giorgos

    please help first grow how much more

    Are they airy will they fill out more sorry for my stupid questions but its my first grow
  15. giorgos

    please help first grow how much more

    A little update what do you thing guys more than two weeks?
  16. giorgos

    please help first grow how much more

    Thanks all of you guys for your guideness
  17. giorgos

    please help first grow how much more

    Thanks for your respond when you say way to go how much time you think for the first photos more?
  18. giorgos

    please help first grow how much more

    And one more question the weather will be rainy and I will move them inside to prevent any injury near a window not getting much sunlight though cause of the weather will these two days have any affect on my plants thanks in advance
  19. giorgos

    please help first grow how much more

    Thank you my friend for your reply approximately from your experience how much more you think its gone take
  20. giorgos

    please help first grow how much more

    And here are some picts from the indiga sativa its been flowering for 9 weeks