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  1. GoHAM32

    SCROG. Should I 12/12 now?

    It's sage and sour.. I'll be flipping the lights then lol 75% sativa so they say. It's a boss though lol I'm liking it. Thanks for the heads up this is my first real SCROG my last one ended up being more of a LST using a screen lol thanks for the heads up brother! I'm hoping to pull like 10 oz...
  2. GoHAM32

    SCROG. Should I 12/12 now?

    Here's some pics. I'm working with limited space lol but what do you guys and girls think? Let it fill up some more or will it fill out the rest from flowering?
  3. GoHAM32

    Sage n sour scrog

    Think I should 12/12 it? Or wait for more of the screen to be filled?
  4. GoHAM32

    School Shootings in America and the 2nd Amendment

    Whys your point? Or do you just like to spam?
  5. GoHAM32

    School Shootings in America and the 2nd Amendment

    For the most part they wouldn't.. But sadly there are some for the right price which could be 3 hots and a cot or hundreds of thousands of dollars they wouldn't hesitate.
  6. GoHAM32

    School Shootings in America and the 2nd Amendment

    Oh shit the Lou. I lived in a suburb of STL for awhile. I miss stl so bad now lol
  7. GoHAM32

    School Shootings in America and the 2nd Amendment

    Dude they are not the government. My friends are not the government. I know the government would try and fight back but the majority of government employees I feel they would side with the citizens because with out citizens there's nothing to govern.
  8. GoHAM32

    School Shootings in America and the 2nd Amendment

    Before this goes any further I just want to say thank you all of you for keeping it mature and not attacking anyone. It seems like a lot of people just start attacking others it's nice to see it not turning into a shit storm lol
  9. GoHAM32

    School Shootings in America and the 2nd Amendment

    You have no backing to that. Most combat MOS return and work as a contractor or go on with there lives. Guys I were with never thought about being a cop. But that's besides the point. Is the SSWAT stand for super swat? If so where are you getting this from?
  10. GoHAM32

    School Shootings in America and the 2nd Amendment

    Trust me I know a lot of shit bags in the military. Less than like 20 % of the miltary would probably be anywhere near John Wayne. John Wayne was a bad ass haha but seriously what happened to the response of fighting back if something were to happen? Ben Franklin said one of my favorite quotes...
  11. GoHAM32

    School Shootings in America and the 2nd Amendment

    Was I speaking about cops. I'm speaking about the military. Much bigger difference between cops and the military. Both risk there lives and both have people that shouldn't be in them. But for the military every one I've came into contact with had said the same thing. Being in the military this...
  12. GoHAM32

    School Shootings in America and the 2nd Amendment

    Who w who will be dragging us to FEMA camps and killing us? Don't say US soldiers because I served my country and I have friends still serving my country. We all took an oath to up hold the constitution. They will not turn on Americans.
  13. GoHAM32

    Vatican City. Holy shit.

    I just wrote a cluster fuck lol when I get excited I forget to use commas etc. my apologies. I'm not talking about the past tense. I'm talking about now. I'm talking bigger than earth. There's gotta be a civilization far older and far more advanced than us. Somewhere out in the cosmos. I fully...
  14. GoHAM32

    School Shootings in America and the 2nd Amendment

    I think it's more of a culture problem. Too many people don't "give a fuck" about others beliefs or about others period this forum shows that when someone disagrees with someone it always blows up. The American culture has glorified acts of violence through tv and video games. I'm 23 I grew up...
  15. GoHAM32

    Schuylaar's Sesh - Bowe Bergdahl

    So what does everyone propose we do? I think he needs to be held responsible for bailing. Parents lost sons because those sons were looking for him on the other hand I don think he realized the full scope of what he was doing he was only a kid when he left. Idk how many here have kids but I do...
  16. GoHAM32

    abstinence only christians in your face again

    That's fucking hilarious that you correct me when you spelled realize wrong also psychology is a science my wife is working towards her masters in it. What is even funnier is my reading comprehension was my highest test score. I read your text. I processed it and realized holy shit it does not...
  17. GoHAM32

    abstinence only christians in your face again

    Def is. I love how old those teaching are yet still are the main stream. Tried an true ways of persuasion.
  18. GoHAM32

    RIU Weight loss Support Group

    It's all good. Shit happens. Thank you for apologizing.
  19. GoHAM32

    abstinence only christians in your face again

    Ethos, pathos, and logos. It's not exactly fear just emotion. But you were headed down the right path.
  20. GoHAM32

    abstinence only christians in your face again

    The Bible was written by men as a guide. Not by God.