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  1. GoHAM32

    Sage n sour scrog

    Seriously it is like every single day there is explosive growth.. I'll post another pic tonight once I flip the MH off
  2. GoHAM32

    Chronic thunder outdoor grow log

    I love roots products! Never used FF but to each his own.
  3. GoHAM32

    Chronic thunder outdoor grow log

    Hahaha yessir. Here's some pics from today
  4. GoHAM32

    Where's the meat heads?

    I just have a problem with crossfit because it's not actually training or progression. You just do a bunch of randomness. It's great for getting into shape. But passed that it's useless. I do hate that the founder said his athletes are better than professionals. If that's the case why the fuck...
  5. GoHAM32

    You know you're high when :forum game:

    When someone asks you if you are high and you have to think about it lol you are ripped haha
  6. GoHAM32

    Where's the meat heads?

    Oh yeah or the fuckin guy who hogs like 4 pieces of equipment. I'm like bitch I'm big too and I don't think my work out is more important than yours so if you are going to do that come during hours when no ones there. Other people pay the same amount you do!
  7. GoHAM32

    Where's the meat heads?

    I fuckin hate that shit the worst man. My wife and I lift together and I told her if anyone ever says anything to her go nuts lol I always stand up for people in the gym when I can because it makes me so mad. That causes people to never want to come back
  8. GoHAM32

    Chronic thunder outdoor grow log

    I got some organic pesticide and raged fuckin war lol
  9. GoHAM32

    Where's the meat heads?

    Big fuckin dog. I have a pit bull who weighs like 80 lbs he's a year and a half. He will probably get around 110 lbs Dude don't be embarrassed you gotta start somewhere. I fuckin hate when people make others feel out of place in the gym. I'm like mother fucker they are here to get shit done and...
  10. GoHAM32

    Chronic thunder outdoor grow log

    Thanks brother. You too. I'll see if I can get some more pics up tomorrow. To show the new growth. Any idea on weight with 5 months in 5 gallon bag? 10 hours of direct sun light. I know it's a hard question to answer because all the variables but just throw me a number
  11. GoHAM32

    Where's the meat heads?

    This is right after I destroyed my shit lol right before surgery. The hardest part was coming back psyche wise.
  12. GoHAM32

    SCROG question concerning possibilities

    Is one lb possible SCROG style. In a 5 gallon bag? I know there's a lot of variants. But I just need to know if 5 gallon bag could get you a whole lb. I'm new to the SCROG this one I have going on in a different thread I'm hoping for at least 10-12 oz. but I'm curious If a lb is do able with...
  13. GoHAM32

    Strive for excellence

    Strive for excellence
  14. GoHAM32

    Where's the meat heads?

    What Esther of test? Dude GH is where it's at for growth and over all amazing feeling. I've never done it to pricey but a friend of mine ran it for like 15 months I think. I've done my fair share of gear. I've been off everything since the injury trying to stable out before I do anything again...
  15. GoHAM32

    Where's the meat heads?

    Dude anyone ever done any hiking in the smoky mountains or the nantahalla?
  16. GoHAM32

    Where's the meat heads?

    4 week cycle? Dude what would you run for 4 weeks and see any type of gains besides an oral which would go just as quick as it came? How old are you?
  17. GoHAM32

    Sage n sour scrog

    Yeah I topped it the other day a little later than I wanted but oh well.
  18. GoHAM32

    Chronic thunder outdoor grow log

    Yeah man. I checked on it today and it's starting to get some noticeable growth still nothing to brag about lol so I'm hoping she really starts to take off. I was just like what did I do so wrong haha I did one auto and didn't get crap from it hardly so I opted against them ever again lol
  19. GoHAM32

    Where's the meat heads?

    Jim wendler said if you are walking you better be pushing something very heavy lol he's a freaking beast!
  20. GoHAM32

    Where's the meat heads?

    Right on. It's nice to hear others into working out. I got up to 230 and like 10% body fat tore my pec benchin 465 in dec of 12 got it surgically reattached to my humerus but it didn't take at the MT junction. Gnarley scar. I'm back at it though I one rep maxed a month or so ago at 390 on bench...