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  1. Brittle

    I'm poor an can't afford ph down any other ways of lowering ph?

    You are the dumbest kid I've ever met not to mention ignorant I've been growing out doors since I was 14 so indoor is a bit new but you don't know shit dude
  2. Brittle

    I'm poor an can't afford ph down any other ways of lowering ph?

    Your stupid as fuck too! DUDE FERTILIZER IS SHIT!!!! As in poop that comes out of your ass...You are smoking cow shit and bat shit and chicken shit not to mention where the fuck do you think the ammonia comes from in your nutes?!?!? Gosh I ask one simple question and all of you would rather talk...
  3. Brittle

    I'm poor an can't afford ph down any other ways of lowering ph?

    you are stupid as shit and I'm 23 FYI however I probably knew more about growing then than any other kid you have ever meet in your life. Like literally you are retarded...and I don't have a cell phone I'm bumming off my neighbors internet now just like really dude your talking down to...
  4. Brittle

    I'm poor an can't afford ph down any other ways of lowering ph?

    Just cause I don't have money now doesn't mean I won't have money/ had money. Sometimes things happen to your plants when your broke.. Shit happens and if you have never had this happen ether your lucky, rich, or just don't grow. FOR THE SECOND TIME I DONT BUY WEED AND IM GROWING IN CHOIR AND...
  5. Brittle

    I'm poor an can't afford ph down any other ways of lowering ph?

    Thank you. If you didn't say it I would have. And I live in an apt and compost stinks however that's all I did when I grew out doors natural is always better.
  6. Brittle

    Mk ultra light shock or stress ??? Help me out?

    I figured it out... Ph too high causing all kinds of problems
  7. Brittle

    I'm poor an can't afford ph down any other ways of lowering ph?

    Lol you can cover up the smell with 1 ml Molasses plus it's good for the roots
  8. Brittle

    I'm poor an can't afford ph down any other ways of lowering ph?

    Thank you you are the only person who actually helped me. And no I'm using a 400w metal h bulb with a two foot cooled reflector
  9. Brittle

    I'm poor an can't afford ph down any other ways of lowering ph?

    Ok first off I know a lot more about growing than you think I do. And just because I'd rather pay my fucking rent than buy a ph meter ( pretty good fucking excuse if you ask me ) doesn't mean I don't know how to grow . I also know that certain nutes will RAISE you ph ( marical grow , florobloom...
  10. Brittle

    I'm poor an can't afford ph down any other ways of lowering ph?

    Because that's why I'm broke??? Lol I got the small ph down from petco but how much do I use per gallon to bring it down a full point ? I can't afford a ph meter too but I know what it come out too after it's all mixed ..
  11. Brittle

    I'm poor an can't afford ph down any other ways of lowering ph?

    Why the hell didn't I think of that.. I've just heard negative things about white vinegar and lemon and no I can't afford 8 bucks I might be able to afford 4 tho
  12. Brittle

    I'm poor an can't afford ph down any other ways of lowering ph?

    I can't afford ph down so what's the best was of lowing ph naturally ?
  13. Brittle

    Most Common Marijuana Plant Problems!

    What could you do to stop a zinc def ?
  14. Brittle

    Anyone know why this is happening?

    Only about 3 weeks old
  15. Brittle

    Anyone know why this is happening?

    I have a plant that I think is Cali og and the leaves are coming out curly I don't know if it's the strain or not but just never seen any plant do that before. They grow out normal they just start curly.
  16. Brittle

    Mk ultra light shock or stress ??? Help me out?

    And it's about 2 feet from the light
  17. Brittle

    Mk ultra light shock or stress ??? Help me out?

    What do you mean reporting it? And could I have stressed it out to much by topping cloning and pruning within two weeks?
  18. Brittle

    Mk ultra light shock or stress ??? Help me out?

    Ok so for about 2 months + I was growing under fluorescent t12 bulbs. I bought a 400w mh and eased my two bigger plants under that one I noticed some light shock on both . One strain recovered and the other one didn't look to bad (mk ultra) I had topped it and pruned off the main fan leaves on...
  19. Brittle

    Please help

    So one question.. Not even about plants I'm new to the site and I can't figure out how to create a post... I can just comment