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  1. [BionicChronic]

    Topped! plant! 1 month old. 25 days flowering.

    pics from before and after=] CHEERS=] blaze it niggga! hopefully i get some rep=]=D:mrgreen:
  2. [BionicChronic]

    Topped! plant! 1 month old. 25 days flowering.

    yay. chopped my budded mama down. not great pics tho. but the effort that counts=]
  3. [BionicChronic]

    1st Grow, Multiple Strains, Bubbleponics

    damn you got all the fox farm stuff i wanted. lucky bastard. i would pop some of that beastie bloomz in that bitch asap. that forbbiddin fruit will get hella fat. and if i was you i would chop em all and just start over since you got all the right stuff.=]=D congrats. enjoy-CHEERS-Bionic.
  4. [BionicChronic]

    1st cfl grow {BagSeed}

    oh shit nigga. you tricky bastard=] hahaa. jk. and thats tight. do you got msn bro?
  5. [BionicChronic]

    Topped! plant! 1 month old. 25 days flowering.

    i got it now. thanks bro. lots of rep for you man.]
  6. [BionicChronic]

    Topped! plant! 1 month old. 25 days flowering.

    haha. ya man. its exciting bro. the hairs are matured to a deep red=]
  7. [BionicChronic]

    Topped! plant! 1 month old. 25 days flowering.

    just yanked my budding mama=] she is fattt=]
  8. [BionicChronic]

    1st cfl grow {BagSeed}

    damn man. that big one is a bit streched. but its all good man. and those babys are in flowering too? mmm weird=/
  9. [BionicChronic]

    Im confused...(pics)

    hell ya man. i gave you some rep bro.=] and well. burn what some time;] haha. do you got aim or msn?:joint::fire:
  10. [BionicChronic]

    Topped! plant! 1 month old. 25 days flowering.

    i know man. i gott dry and cure this bitch for 3 weeks before i could touch it=[ but hopefully it will be worth it. im smokin my first bowl outta my 6 footer lol;] and hey. do you know how to give rep? cuz i dont=[
  11. [BionicChronic]

    Topped! plant! 1 month old. 25 days flowering.

    dude if you get fuckin 300 hundred plants bro. i would be fuckin amazed man. i would think of you like a god. like my dad. but this is my first go too.
  12. [BionicChronic]

    Topped! plant! 1 month old. 25 days flowering.

    well my dad used to have 3 foot long spears hanging up to dry lol. like 30 of them. he grew that much. and well he had so much that it lasted him all winter till the next spring time.
  13. [BionicChronic]

    Topped! plant! 1 month old. 25 days flowering.

    thannk you daisy. but im yankin her by the roots. an old trick my dad taught me. cuz all the thc from the roots will run down all the way to the buds.
  14. [BionicChronic]

    Topped! plant! 1 month old. 25 days flowering.

    things are lookin good. taking my budded mama out tommaro morning for a full 48 hours of darkness and all the lights are gonna be on my topped baby=] this bitch is gonna be a beast=]
  15. [BionicChronic]

    1st cfl grow {BagSeed}

    ya thats what i did with my baby. i just covered the rest of the top with the soil. and it let the bitch be more supported. but thats me.
  16. [BionicChronic]

    Busted 4 days after 420

    oh i will dawg. im choppin her in the next 48 hours. and heres a tip for all growers. i got it from my dad. cuz he grew for like the last 23 yrs=] and well he said to yank it by the roots. so when you hang it up to drie. the thc from the roots will drop to the buds.=] sounds good to me. THANKS...
  17. [BionicChronic]

    First Grow, Bagseeds, Come take a look!!!

    and its only 8 bucks for a month. i dont tripp off it.
  18. [BionicChronic]

    First Grow, Bagseeds, Come take a look!!!

    whats your gamertagg man?? mines (xXHeAvYXx xCx) and well ima change it to BionicChronic when i get a new xbox.=[[ i miss rappin foos on halo 3 and gears of war and call of duty4
  19. [BionicChronic]

    Im confused...(pics)

    you like that one tokin?? hahahha. dude how do i give people rep??? idk how to do that. and well rep me man. and check out my post=] maybe ulll see something ull like. and ill be watchin your grow bro.=] keep it up.
  20. [BionicChronic]

    SouthKorea GrowOperation (Hashberry) 3rd grow

    Thanks Jason!!!=]]]]=d