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  1. [BionicChronic]

    Topped! plant! 1 month old. 25 days flowering.

    :mrgreen:things are really loookin good. no stress. no nute burn. everything looks great=]:peace: gonna have this thread going all the way to harvest=] hopefully you guys get an enjoyment like i am. things im using. 6 42 watt cfls. mircle grow potting soil. with mircle grow bloom booster. it...
  2. [BionicChronic]

    SouthKorea GrowOperation (Hashberry) 3rd grow

    haha thats funny bro. the world wide shipping. tottally true. where did you order your seeds agian J??
  3. [BionicChronic]

    Harvest Time!=]

    thanks man. and well im on day 85 of flowering. idk what to do. its gonna be a long sussessfull harvest=] i smoked the sample bud and damn got high off one fat bowl. pretty tastey too. sweet and bomb lol.
  4. [BionicChronic]

    Harvest Time!=]

    okay. gonna harvest in about another week. just gonna let the buds go alil longer.
  5. [BionicChronic]

    1st grow 30 days in...CFL

    damn looks good. keep up the good work.
  6. [BionicChronic]

    11 days into flower! pics inside! check it! CFL GROW!

    haha i dont know why im saying help so much. i must be high lol.
  7. [BionicChronic]

    11 days into flower! pics inside! check it! CFL GROW!

    dude. but my lower buds are matured allready. idk what to do man. should i chop them down or just let them get fatter ???
  8. [BionicChronic]

    SouthKorea GrowOperation (Hashberry) 3rd grow

    damn there getting fat as fuck Jason. cant wait to see the super out come of these hashberry plants=] i bet there gonna taste fuckin awesome. and super potancy=]
  9. [BionicChronic]

    First Grow, Bagseeds, Come take a look!!!

    haha hell ya man. you got a gamertagg?? ima be gettin a new xbox soon cuz my shit broke=[ haha. and those purpz. omg i bet they taste supppperrrrr ammazing=] i cut a sample bud off mine and i smoked it outta my new glass bong and damn dude i got high off one big hit=]
  10. [BionicChronic]

    First Grow, Bagseeds, Come take a look!!!

    hey RU8! how does your buds taste?? did you try any yet??
  11. [BionicChronic]

    Check Out My Lady

    damn bro. ights man. its all good. idk how to work this site for shit. lol. i wish i could make my profile background look sick. and well hey yo add me as a friend on here. how ever that is possible.
  12. [BionicChronic]

    Check Out My Lady

    damn bro. your shit is gonna be dank nigga. just dry and cure properly and bam your gonna have some dank. im not really sure about what to do to dry and cure. do you got msn cheetah??
  13. [BionicChronic]

    Check Out My Lady

    whos pics?
  14. [BionicChronic]

    11 days into flower! pics inside! check it! CFL GROW!

    thanks bro. and i think ima let them go a few days longer then chop em and then another week and a half for the top cola. but shouldnt they all mature all at the same time??
  15. [BionicChronic]

    11 days into flower! pics inside! check it! CFL GROW!

    ya man. just some pics. idk what to do man. trichs are cloudy on the lower buds. but on the top of the main part of the cola there white as fuck still. some are turning amber but not much difference. and my topped baby. i remmeber when it was soo small. but now its way bigger than my budded...
  16. [BionicChronic]

    Check Out My Lady

    hey cheetah. ima post some pics of my plant up in that thread you replyed on. but im like a few weeks from harvest too. the bottom buds are getting cloudy trichs and the hairs are turning amber/red. and well the top part of the cola is still white as can bee. idk what too do.=/ alil confussed at...
  17. [BionicChronic]

    Check Out My Lady

    dude man. i wanna see some pics now=] haha.