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  1. C

    Monster cloning .

    Is monster cropping worth it,,how long would they take to root ,reveg , take of fluoro and ready for large tent ,thanks for help.
  2. C

    Clones plastic bags

    Exactly keep it simple ,my name is simon lol.
  3. C

    Clones plastic bags

    They look great ,I think sometimes u can screw around to much when u should just leave them be ,easier said than done , what part of world u live?
  4. C

    Clones plastic bags

    Mate in Australia u will have a hard time ever seeing a gun ,government had a buy back scheme ,u had to hand guns in ,been about 10 years now ,at least we can’t have mass shootings ,all u can do here is through rocks at each other lol,Starbucks came to Australia we didn’t like the taste either...
  5. C

    Clones plastic bags

    Hopefully u will be good with clones , I did hydro in the early day over 30 years ago ,I used to do a lot of cloneing ,grow the plant and take outdoor to bud ,I have just started at it again trying to get confidence back ,hopefully clones will route and all will be good,thanks for advice ,in qld...
  6. C

    Clones plastic bags

    Do u think I would be ok with no dome as my clone tent is small and humidity is usually around 85%, I am trying with dome ,plastic bags ,and a couple just in tent ,thanks for advice.
  7. C

    Clones plastic bags

    :( Sorry mate ,computer would not let me type no idea why ,at the moment humidity has been real high even outside ,I will put zip lock bags over them ,tent is under 1 meter or 3 foot ,I w am trying to monster clone ,have u done that ? thanks for advice from Australia.
  8. C

    Clones plastic bags

  9. C

    Clones plastic bags

    Thanks mate ,I am just learning,I thought if tent has high humidity,I have a heat mat ,clones in cup’s sitting on half inch of perlite just damp ,it is all in a small plastic tray ,does that sound ok ,thanks for your help.
  10. C

    Clones plastic bags

    can u put plastic bag over clones for humidity,and how large is bag neede ,I have them in a small propagation tent ,would that be enough without out some sort of humidity dome? thank you .tent is roughy at 85% humidity.
  11. C

    Need help

    I mainly jus water a couple litres a day ,give it grow food (used for vegetables) once a week . and give it big bud once a week ,thanks for any info
  12. C

    Revegging plant?

    I have been worried about plant as been told by quite a few people from other site revegging and they seem positive, sorry I suppose I am looking for more reassurance,hopefully picked out bud rot.
  13. C

    Revegging plant?

    Old photo ,been picked out last couple days hopefully.
  14. C

    Revegging plant?

    Hopefully all been picked out .
  15. C

    Revegging plant?

    It is a photo that is a few days old , hopefully got it all,
  16. C

    Revegging plant?

    photos are a few days old ,I have been picking out bud rot ,sprayed area with isopropyour,and have hopefully got it all thanks.
  17. C

    Need help

    Sorry mare ,I was told plant revegging and panicking a bit ,I will chill.
  18. C

    Revegging plant?

    They are outdoor ,thanks mate.
  19. C

    Revegging plant?

    No I don’t want to reveg ,had comments saying it was,what do u think? Thanks