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  1. H


    couldnt find my old post so i made a new one... my baby at 6 weeks veg 1 week since 12/12 light change lemon skunk was male so im left with my afghan first time grower by the way. with flash without flash
  2. H

    Re potting??

    you read my mind i should top them this young? how big of a pot should i get and do you think i should cut those bottom leaves or not?
  3. H

    Re potting??

    wondering when i should re pot have read that i should wait until i see the roots come out the drain holes is this true or should i do it before it gets there? There both 5" and there both in 6" by 6" pots. there both 22 days from seed. NEXT QUESTION: Should i get rid of theses leaves...
  4. H

    To clone or Not to clone

    i have two in there now so should i top and how tall should i let them get before i top them?
  5. H

    To clone or Not to clone

    i have one lemon skunk and one afghan there under 8 100 w 6500 k cfls im watering with fox farm trio and there in fox farms happy frog soil i feed them twice a week and water with purified ph'ed water other times smell isnt a problem...
  6. H

    To clone or Not to clone

    Just wondering for the size of my grow area should i top my plants? My closet is 5 ft high 3 ft wide and 2 ft deep?? Any suggestion opinions or advice welcome.
  7. H

    little spikes??

    ok thank you didnt think it was bad just kinda curious.
  8. H

    little spikes??

    anyone? I just want to make sure it's nothing I should worry about.
  9. H

    little spikes??

    Does it mean it's showing its sex already? They have been on a 24hr light cycle, and I switched to 18/6 a few days ago.
  10. H

    little spikes??

    thanks for your time
  11. H

    little spikes??

    theres these little spike that come out where the nodes are but on the opposite sides of them... are these new nodes or leaves forming just curious got some pics what do you think?
  12. H

    Life is shittin on me..

    thats messed up im not down for that theres a BRO CODE!!!
  13. H

    Tips/advice/suggestions/comments on my closet grow

    wow thats freakin amazing im deff gonna buy that before i start flowering thanks for finding that wheres a good place to but hps light a local hydro store or should i shop online
  14. H

    Tips/advice/suggestions/comments on my closet grow

    is there a tent that can fit in there?5 ft high 3 ft wide ans 2 ft deep? thats acually a great idea didnt think they made tents that size?
  15. H

    Tips/advice/suggestions/comments on my closet grow

    i just really doubt my closet is going to catch fire thats iti see ppl gro in cardboard boxes all the time... like i said i am perfectly ok with constructive criticism just not dumb and advice like ur closets gonna catch fire yes theres a few wires yes its not perfect firrst time grower ready to...
  16. H

    Tips/advice/suggestions/comments on my closet grow

    first of all its my very first grow ive changed that area like 8 times i went from a cabinet to a dresser to a book shelf to now the closet the reason for being on this site but if all i get is ppl like you and them that only talk crap whats the point of this site or asking you guys? help out...
  17. H

    Tips/advice/suggestions/comments on my closet grow

    im feeding them with fox farms soil trio. twice a week i mist 2-3 times a week and i started them after a week of the seedlings sprouting 1tsp big bloom to a gallon of water just made a new batch second week of veg 1tsp big bloom and 1tsp grow big to a gallon of water
  18. H

    Tips/advice/suggestions/comments on my closet grow

    im running them 24 hrs so during the day its open and its 83-85. at night when i close it it gets to 95 lights are 4-5 inches from plants
  19. H

    Tips/advice/suggestions/comments on my closet grow

    yes'm masta right away masta... again if you dont have some constructive criticism plzz dont bother.. i know its hard living with your parents but you dont have to project your insecurities on other ppl. get a life