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  1. L

    Milwaukee riots

    Ok....and do you not see that happening? This shit is crooked as shit!
  2. L

    Milwaukee riots

    This was debunked when obama ran again in 2012.....NO WAY did he legitimately get re elected, most of his voters were dead people.......same gonna be with hillary. I agree with you in the sense that i havent even met 1 hillary supporter face to face, everybody out here is either a bernie or...
  3. L

    Milwaukee riots

    Do you still believe your vote actually matters?
  4. L

    Milwaukee riots

    Hell were fucked if trump wins too.....
  5. L

    Milwaukee riots

    Ill bet she does....& when she does, were thru! Lol
  6. L

    Milwaukee riots

    Lol mike brown dropped his demo....
  7. L

    Its starting to smell a lot like football

  8. L

    Are you in BLOOM Yet? Tis the month!

    Dont 4get the moon too dude!
  9. L

    Wasps In The Garden: Good or Bad?

    Dude.....i got like 8 wasp colonies. Different families of atleast 50 or more, along the wooden privacy fence around my garden. & those fuckers aint even putting a dent in the caterpillars. So far ive hit the plants with, organicide twice... Safer brand caterpillar killer twice. That along...
  10. L

    Horse Manure Amendment question.

    you talkin for next season?
  11. L

    Wasps In The Garden: Good or Bad?

    Found this little guy loungin also....maybe hell grub some shit too.......frog guano if nothing It aint even happy frog soil
  12. L

    Wasps In The Garden: Good or Bad?

    Im sure theylle take care of caterpillars.....what about spidermites?
  13. L

    Wasps In The Garden: Good or Bad?

    i mean like a shit ton of them! They havent been necessarily bothering me or anything, i let them far theyve let me be....& ive had like 3 or 4 buzzing around my head @ a time...i just stay still & keep watering. I suppose i can spray the nest if they get too thick out there but i...
  14. L

    Midnight Farm's "SNOWMAN": weird strain?

    Does anybody else have this cut from jarborside?
  15. L

    Midnight Farm's "SNOWMAN": weird strain?

    This is what im far the plant screams mutant to me.....what if it was one of the 1-10000 freak occurances......
  16. L

    Midnight Farm's "SNOWMAN": weird strain?

    Outdoor soil medium the ph doesnt matter much as the soil acts as a buffer. I dont believe it to be a calcium deficiency because my well water has a high ammount of calcium in it already, so i supplement the magnesium with epsom salts. Im thinking phosphate deficiency if anything...but i cant...
  17. L

    Midnight Farm's "SNOWMAN": weird strain?

    So we aquired this cut from harborside, & it was sold as a strain called snowman (im assuming its a replicate of cookie fams snowman), anyhow...when we got it, it was purple from the stalks all the way to the bottom of the fan leaves, which we originally thought to be a phosphate def., After...
  18. L

    How much Should I charge for Weed?

    To the OP... I believe the word ur looking for is DONATE.......not sell!
  19. L

    How much Should I charge for Weed?

    Qps all day for 200? Ill take