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  1. L


    Theyre mites.... Ive suffered from heat stress before & can spot the debate was mites or some type of mildew/mold...... Humidity fluctuates do to the heavy water collection from watering. Not sure what being a member for how long has to do with anything.....ive been growing for...
  2. L


    So im fucked? If i released lady bugs....would that even benefit @ this point...this late into flower?
  3. L


    Yall think its safe to say this is what im dealing with? Brown, taco leafed lower buds? If so....... Organicide? Azamax? Avid Or floamite? Ive got a few that are up to 4 weeks of flower.... Some are just starting to turn. Thoughts?
  4. L

    How do i get solid heavy buds ?

    Im not discouraging organics at all....i believe organic is the best way to go... However, im not familiar with dudes garden size. If your doing more than a few yards.....go, if you own a tractor or a few tumblers than by all means go that route. I personally prefer a good organic...
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    How do i get solid heavy buds ?

    Flushing is something organi gardners dont have to do. There are different levels to organic gardening.... From using organic based bottled nutes to the straight up cult of popcorn teas... Depending on what you still go with a week flush. As far as the finisher goes....we'll...
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    How do i get solid heavy buds ?

    Problem is this guys gonna spend forever composting,turning, ect..... And that not really going to make your nugs "harder" this aspect, genetics are going to be what does the most for you, but it IS ultimately up to you to bring out the best in your plants & bring them to theyre...
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    What to do with fresh trim

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    How much Should I charge for Weed?

    I need to get out to texas! Lol Id be lucky to get a $125 donation for a good outdoor zip.
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    Woody Kush in the Bay Area

    Its floatin around sacramento....
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    Milwaukee riots

    Ida shot em too..... I just dont get the need of bringing up his background?
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    Milwaukee riots

    Didnt he set up a gofundme?
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    Question: Why does everyone try to kill their plants before harvesting?

    It means get ya ass off the porch & off the internet & in the garden.
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    Question: Why does everyone try to kill their plants before harvesting?

    Believe none of what you hear & half of what you see....
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    Milwaukee riots

    I mean dont get me wrong if dude drew down on me too ida shot his ass too! But....what does him taking pics have anything to do with him gettin smacked?
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    Milwaukee riots

    So dude deserved to die for owning guns? Lol
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    Midnight Farm's "SNOWMAN": weird strain?

    This is the beauty of RIU! Thanks for the heads up bro!
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    Milwaukee riots

    His computer desk has a million cigarrette butts, empty top ramen cups, & waterbottles of piss sittin everywhere.... Moms yellin "Buck get out of my basement & take a shower, will ya?" "Cant mom......shit just got deep on roll it up!" "MAKE ME SOME MEATLOAF!" LOL
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    Milwaukee riots

    No dude.....i dont think you understand. Im on bulldog forums & im thinking this is the same troll from those forums. Hes on bulldog forums but doesnt own buck, on weed forums but i have yet to see 1 grow.....or see him post anything about growing. These 2 guys talk & type very similiar.
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    Milwaukee riots

    Holy shit your all over these forums! Wtf...
  20. L

    Milwaukee riots that you cyberbully? Lol