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  1. DblBrryInvestments

    Club 600

    Thanks, appreciate it. I'll have to check it out more, it's MH/HPS conversionable I'm assuming, correct?
  2. DblBrryInvestments

    Club 600

    Lil' expensive for just a reflective hood :{ Maybe I'll be able to find a used one somewhere.
  3. DblBrryInvestments

    Club 600

    Great, thanks for the help guys! What do you think about just getting a 1000W and making using of the dimmable ballast, seems like it could save me a penny in the long run? I thought 1000 watts would of been overkill myself for a 4x4 area, but just wanted to double check with some of the more...
  4. DblBrryInvestments

    What strains are you growing outdoor in 2017?

    Thanks for the heads up, I'll be on the outlook, always liked strains that finished mid. Oct. You got any pics you care to share? What'd ya yield?
  5. DblBrryInvestments

    Club 600

    Yes, I will only be using 4x4 of actual grow space, but in a 5x5 tent. Tent is 80" tall so about 6.5 ft tall or so.
  6. DblBrryInvestments

    Club 600

    Outdoor grower here, starting indoors op and thought this would be a great place to ask this. My question is so far to start off it's just a 5x5 tent and I was planning on using 16 sq. ft. of that space with 1 plant/sq.ft I plan on throwing them straight into flower after 2-3 weeks...
  7. DblBrryInvestments

    What strains are you growing outdoor in 2017?

    As in the 2018 season? Frisian Dew is pretty commonly grown outdoors, so I'm sure you can find some journals around here somewhere. I'll be around towards the end of the year, so I'd be happy to share my results with you then, still a long ways off haha.
  8. DblBrryInvestments

    What strains are you growing outdoor in 2017?

    Cookies Kush and Pineapple Chunk both by Barneys Farm. Some Frisian Dew by Dutch Passion as well as some Blueberry and Nirvana haza freebies.
  9. DblBrryInvestments

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    So what do you do, I'm confused...... Should I be turning my soil once a year and tossing a cup/cf, every few years, etc.? That's where I'm lost, I don't want to throw a bunch of stuff in my soil, idk if I need to throw anything in there. This whole reusing soil is confusing lol. The only...
  10. DblBrryInvestments

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    Hopefully, @TWS likes to fuck with me lol...
  11. DblBrryInvestments

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    Haha sorry for not being more clear. I didn't care much for the mix, it got the job done and that was it. I'd just prefer not to throw it out so I use it all for my autoflower grows throughout the year. The soil that I am referring to reusing is the yd or 2 of the LCs mix recipe #1. This...
  12. DblBrryInvestments

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    Literally all the soil you see in the smart pots was sub cools mix and have gone through a few auto grows just using teas. My few yds of soil I got is LC's mix recipe #1 going on it's second run. Best of luck to you as well!
  13. DblBrryInvestments

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    What's up guys, happy late New Years! Happy to say I'm finally gettin things goin after relaxing through the winter. Here's what I got in the works rights now. Just 21 auto mazars in 5 gallon smart pots in some soil I've used a few times now, gonna be feeding them with teas. That's just what...
  14. DblBrryInvestments

    What Do you think about KELLOGG PREMIUM POTTING SOIL?

    Not necessarily. Think some growers use it, was just throwing it out there, I wouldn't want half my medium to be a giant myc.
  15. DblBrryInvestments

    Need Advice for ROLS.

    Hey guys, been quite inactive lately basically since there is not much going on at my end to be active for. Well, I'm currently prepping for next year, and yes I had a fantastic end to the season, as I hope all of you did as well. I'm sure this would be better posted into the 'Organics'...
  16. DblBrryInvestments

    Pressurized Closed Column w/ Dewaxing Sleeve.

    I agree, it doesn't seem like very much, didn't mention that I did this, but I also ran an extra can through it as an open blast into a separate dish and only pulled a gram off that second blast. The dimensions of the tube itself is a 2" diameter and 12" tall, says it's a 115 g extractor, but I...
  17. DblBrryInvestments

    Pressurized Closed Column w/ Dewaxing Sleeve.

    What's up guys, this year I decided to drop some money on a decent extractor instead of using the normal open blast with a glass tube. I just got a 1/4 lb closed column extractor with the dewaxing sleeve from BVV. I did my first run over the weekend with it and was only able to fit about 2 ozs...
  18. DblBrryInvestments

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    Not really worried about it, it's just my name haha, maybe if it had some type of other info about me. Really? At the cup that was in San berandino? I didn't see any medicated tamales, I wish I did!
  19. DblBrryInvestments

    who is growing some trees????

    I'm lovin the smoke! Feels great to have my own buds again instead of goin to clinics. I always prefer some organic outdoor over some indoor. Didn't realize you were so close to harvest, the rest of mine still need 2+ weeks at the least, how many plants did you have total. It was my first...
  20. DblBrryInvestments

    Guerrilla 2016

    Had one chillin around my back patio and always goin on my bong like this for two weeks straight.. One day, woke up and was smokin out of my bong all day, few buddies came over, one noticed that homie had drowned in the bong and I was smoking out of it all day lol... RIP, I had another one...