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  1. DblBrryInvestments

    Waiting is killing me right now who feels the same let's shout it out

    Ehh, harvesting is the worst part IMO. I totally prefer to grow the stuff then I do harvesting it lol... Obviously, the reward is what we look for, I just hate this whole part, all the paranoia of rippers, then having to harvest... All of it is a pain in the ass, wish I could just pass it off...
  2. DblBrryInvestments

    continued grow

    Little advice, you should cage the ladies up in the future.. That cat probably hops in those pots in pees in the soil lol, at least mine does.
  3. DblBrryInvestments

    100 lbs Dreams

    You tell em' rubes! Anyways.... Most "pro" thieves probably have much better targets then your average grower here... If a dog, alarm ringing, and the sound of a gun doesn't scare em off, sounds smart to leave it to the cops to deal with lol.
  4. DblBrryInvestments

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    Thank you, I don't care much for wine truthfully, but it's pretty fun to make.
  5. DblBrryInvestments

    First outdoor grow

    Love your set up btw! But all my outdoor has been top notch ever since I started! Indoor may look better, and may be more potent... I'll still take my own meds I've grown myself any day over that harsh top shelf at the clinic. I still get stoned and like the taste of my own outdoor organic...
  6. DblBrryInvestments

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    *Edit That is a professionally set up vineyard for anyone curious8) A whole half acre of petite Ciroc grapes, the stuff that makes the Ciroc vodka haha. It's my mothers, we actually picked grapes last week, gonna be smashing and making some wine tomorrow.. We got about 4 years and a whole...
  7. DblBrryInvestments

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    Haven't posted in this specific thread yet cause I like to read every post, but these open show n tells threads always have way too much volume lol... I read a few pages, so here you go... 2 hso blue dreams in a 15x7x7 hoop house, not the best pics, but I took these yesterday. Those are...
  8. DblBrryInvestments

    Milwaukee riots

    What THE fuck did I just read?? LMAO.. Ya'll are crazy...... Why is this even in the Politics sub if I may ask?
  9. DblBrryInvestments

    who is growing some trees????

    I've trimmed up for a clinic a few times in the past year, and they always brought some fire hydro buds for the crew to dry trim. I fully agree that the stuff looked and smelt way better than a wet trim. I'm just a bit ignorant on dry trimming is all and didn't really think it was possible to...
  10. DblBrryInvestments

    who is growing some trees????

    Okay, I know I always says this, but sorry again for the crap photos... These two are way too big for this tiny hoop house, I've been tying tops down for weeks and there barely flowering now. I got one outdoor BD that's on its 3rd week of flowering, hso Bd has some very unstable genetics...
  11. DblBrryInvestments

    who is growing some trees????

    Yes, I know they cure as well with a dry trim leaving the leaves on still, but seriously if you have 20 pounds that your going to dry trim, you think your gonna be able to knock that out yourself, your funny... No need to bash me for my opinion....... Dry trimmin always leave a better ending...
  12. DblBrryInvestments

    Super soil prep next seasoning..

    Most water only organic soils are the same thing at the end of the day if I'm not mistaken? Most people here use coots mix from what I've seen. I started in subcools super soil, and on my first year in a real mix. I went LCs mix recipe 1, and the ladies love it, way noticeable difference than...
  13. DblBrryInvestments

    who is growing some trees????

    Little late on this subject, but dry trimming is a no go for outdoors imo.. There is just too much product to get trimmed up and in the jars at the right time. Wet trimming gives you enough time to get everything trimmed up in time, cause a perfect cure is better then a perfect dry, and a dry...
  14. DblBrryInvestments

    Wasps In The Garden: Good or Bad?

    Lucky me, this year I haven't ran into a single caterpillar yet. Around these times I always see the little moths everywhere which lay the eggs, and barely seen the first one sitting on a plant of mine yesterday. Of course, that following night I sprayed the ladies down with some BT. Lookin...
  15. DblBrryInvestments

    The big dirty

    Why is it so hard to get seeds in the USA? I've been ordering seeds straight into California since like 2011. Never once have I had a package of my intercepted? I've used just about all of them now, the ones I recommend in order on which I would go to first would be. Gorilla, seedsman...
  16. DblBrryInvestments

    who is growing some trees????

    Cats are nice to have in the garden if you guys seen mine earlier lol... They tend to get a bit protective over the ladies thoo... My cats attacks me when I'm tending to the ladies at times.
  17. DblBrryInvestments

    who is growing some trees????

    As long as they're not spider mites, no worries. All spiders are welcome in the garden for the most part, although a few months ago..... I had a preying mantis egg sac hatch in a greenhouse, and a few garden spiders I hadn't notice before ended up eating literally every little baby.... Broke...
  18. DblBrryInvestments

    who is growing some trees????

    Oh, it was pretty bad a week or two ago! Yeah, I know, it's getting hectic in there. I hate having to work in there I literally have to crawl around half the time lol.
  19. DblBrryInvestments

    who is growing some trees????

    YG says thanks. Lol he spends literally his whole days and nights chillin around my plants eating all types of birds, rodents, and bugs.
  20. DblBrryInvestments

    who is growing some trees????

    2 blue dreams, 15 ft x 7 x 7 ft of straight foliage. Recently had a heat wave from the sand fire which burnt a lot of my tops, but the ladies are recovering just fine now, no signs of herm.