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  1. L

    A quick question about dry yields

    Way too late for seeds dude....seeds get germed/sprouted in march & put outside late may/june..... If you sprouted wouldnt even have 6 inch plants by mid july....& nothing to kick into mid august.... Best bet is find you a FAST growing sativa clone (or invest in a teen/potted plant)...
  2. L

    A quick question about dry yields

    Everything is circumstantial. The blue dream with all optimum setting, can potentially yeild you 10lbs per plant. Im not saying it will....but it could if you set the stage. The weight description is just going to give you an idea. Example, if you started vegging your blue dream clone in january...
  3. L

    its gonna be a hott bitch....

    Good ideas...i got them In the shade... The ones in ground seem to be handling it fine.
  4. L

    its gonna be a hott bitch....

    Highs of 108 with a 105 average. I have a few in ground & a few in white colored pots...... Any ideas that i can help them combat this heat? I watered yesterday & dont want to drown them....
  5. L

    Platnium GSC outdoors

    If i had the time & space id prolly go the seed route....but it takes a good while if your doing it right...
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    I wanna grow BIG BUD!

    I trip out on the people who try to rip blue dream......knowing damn well thats what they started with & came up on...they 4get where they come from.. Hell, blue dream is what i started with....made my first cash crop..& what has taught me a lot about outdoor growing. Blue Dream will always...
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    I wanna grow BIG BUD!

    I know of a guy who has a few superskunk cuts that naturally sap rosin just from budding.....its a trip....
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    I wanna grow BIG BUD!

    Superskunk i was told is GREAT for blowing wax with....
  9. L

    Platnium GSC outdoors

    We got a cut of a fortune cookie that looks IDENTICAL to the cookie fam/collective efforts cut....i mean identical. This cut produces fire like none other no matter how or where its grown. Turns platinum bluish/purple when the temps drop
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    I wanna grow BIG BUD!

    Blue Dream is the strain your looking for. Blue dream will grow as big as you allow it to...expect huge yeilds & a nice product....& its easy to find
  11. L

    I have to many plants

    Could thin the leaves out.
  12. L

    holes in leaves...

    Im not the best at making diagnostics...actually i downright suck! Any ideas whats goin on here. They dont look like caterpillar marks ( i couldnt find any anyways). Check it out
  13. L

    Has my Purple Afghani Kush revegged?

    When the leaves start twisting & doing funny shit....
  14. L

    Hey man i got one of your pink lemonade cuts i was curious if its traits are true to name &...

    Hey man i got one of your pink lemonade cuts i was curious if its traits are true to name & express grapefruit/lemonade smell & taste.
  15. L

    Gee, Michael Jackson Was Actually a Pedophile?

    So he got banned for expressing his personal views on the matter?
  16. L

    BHO Shatter VS Rosin

    Them air compresser ones are the ones to get though!
  17. L

    BHO Shatter VS Rosin

    From what i gather online forums & youtube, it seems the lower the heat....the lower the yeild. But the lower the heat, the flavor & taste are @ theyre best..... Higher heat seems to yield more, but damaging the terps more a creating a bit harsher smoke. So the goal is finding that optimum temp...
  18. L

    My first organic live/super soil, advice and tips needed

    The only difference i can imagine happening is the feeder roots getting to the boosted soil rihht before & during flower....
  19. L

    My first organic live/super soil, advice and tips needed

    I dunno man....subcool himself claims his mixture is only for the bottom 1/4 of your medium, base soil you top 3/4....???