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  1. rexx890

    bug problem?

    not my oven wouldn't let me stink the house up lol
  2. rexx890

    bug problem?

    I used some cheap gardening soil from walmart for my indoor grow I have five plants and even though I flushed for correct pH and put my own blend of fox farms trio before replant, I noticed today little over three weeks later about an hour after watering the top layer of soil has the tiniest bug...
  3. rexx890

    What does this look like?

    That's what I thought it was thanks. started these with happy frog soil transplanted into Walmart soil (not MG) prepared the pH and nutes before transplant. I bought (3) 4' 32 watt x 2 fluorescent fixture with 6500k bulbs 2900 lumens each bulb for veg. plus (24) 23 watt 2700k clfs for flowering...
  4. rexx890

    What does this look like?

    what is wrong with these? I have my theory just wanna see if i'm correct! 1 and 2 are one plant 3 and 4 is another 1 2 3 4
  5. rexx890

    Opinions 3 week bagseed

    Started these with happy frog soil transplanted into Walmart soil (not MG) prepared the ph and nutes before transplant. I bought (3) 4' 32 watt x2 fluorescent 6500k bulbs 2900 lumens each bulb for veg. plus (24) 23 watt 2700k clfs for flowering. I'm using six of the cfls for just a little more...