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  1. rexx890

    black strap molasses?

    I have seen on this site about the simple sugars in molasses that the plant can use during late flower to boost bud production
  2. rexx890

    black strap molasses?

    I feed and water three plants and I found that a five gallon bucket of water is just right for that. Today I started using it but was unsure how much to use. is four teaspoons to much for five gallons?
  3. rexx890

    def. question

    Should I turn it on low or turn it off now
  4. rexx890

    def. question

    What? they are inside plants with a box fan on high four feet away but I just looked it's only on the side that the fan faces Wow didn't think of that why do they do that?
  5. rexx890

    def. question

  6. rexx890

    def. question

    I don't have pics yet but think i have a potassium def. I am broke and cannot afford anything right now what can i do to raise this without going to buy more nutes? I have the fox farm trio and the plants are in ocean forest soil I have been using the feeding schedule that came with them up...
  7. rexx890

    THC question

    yes they are female and the males are crunchy dry now lol in the dump i don't want seeds lol. ty everyone for the help. P.S. how they look?
  8. rexx890

    THC question

  9. rexx890

    THC question

    Does thc form in the plant before flower I was going to make some alcohol hash and wondering if perkier cuttings are worth using
  10. rexx890

    flavor and color question

    as for food coloring or the flavoring?
  11. rexx890

    flavor and color question

    When I was a kid I used food coloring to change the color of a daisy from white to blue in science class. I was wondering if i could do the same with a pot plant. Also I found a flavoring from the store wondering if the flavor would come into the plant like the food color. I've grown before...
  12. rexx890


    HE has been pulled great oods 4/5 females woo hoo and from bag seed i love it next grow i'll do a journal on the blue pearl seeds i'm going to get anyone know a rep. seed vendor that can send to US?
  13. rexx890


    might be a little early but i think this is male anyone confirm? what luck out of five bagseed i started four are def. female
  14. rexx890

    transplant question

    haha never thought of it that way but in just a few days of ocean forest soil things are looking much better and as for hard core plant porn how is this hoping to start flower in the next week or so if they keep doing well
  15. rexx890

    3000k flouresent bulbs?

    I am using (6) 32 watt 6500k t8 bulbs in the fixtures I have for veg. they have 3000k bulbs in t8 would this be ok to flower with? I could get 2700k bulbs for them but they are really expensive and can only buy them by the case.
  16. rexx890

    transplant question

    Started these with happy frog soil transplanted into Walmart soil (not MG) prepared the ph and nutes before transplant. I bought (3) 4' 32 watt x2 fluorescent 6500k bulbs 2900 lumens each bulb for veg. plus (24) 23 watt 2700k clfs for flowering. I'm using six of the cfls for just a little more...
  17. rexx890


  18. rexx890

    Blue Pearl?

    I'm considering buying seeds and I like the look of the Blue Pearl. I was wondering if anyone has tried this strain before and could let me know if its worth it? Thanks!!!
  19. rexx890

    bug issue!!!

    I used some cheap gardening soil from Walmart for my indoor grow. I have five plants and even though I flushed for correct pH and put my own blend of fox farms trio before replant, I noticed today little over three weeks later about an hour after watering the top layer of soil has the tiniest...