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  1. Uncle Reefer

    Marijuana investors get a healthy dose of volatility as shares plunge

    you gotta take your gear that should be accounted for 2 years to replace then your time then the rent or the mortgage or the value of the space you are using then power and water then supplies Ya if you don't consider all of it it can be cheap but you are subsidizing at that point
  2. Uncle Reefer

    Marijuana investors get a healthy dose of volatility as shares plunge

    .. and you can buy pounds of good weed on the street for 600-900 per pound. it costs at least 740 to grow a pound of weed indoors and that is about as cheap as it gets. Any cheaper and you are not paying for space or not accounting for hours worked or not getting a return on investment aka...
  3. Uncle Reefer

    Can i use my de-humidifier water for my plants?

    Yes you totally can ,just add minerals since your dehuie water is 0 ppm. add some cal and some mag and you are golden
  4. Uncle Reefer

    Flush or no flush when switching to flower when growing in coco?

    don't flush (because ) you are switching to flower. Flower nutes and veg nutes aren't that different. But if you are overfeeding that is a separate thing.
  5. Uncle Reefer

    Can I use 1000w hps in a 4x2?

    300 watts of led light with a dimmer is what the doctor orders for you. a 1 k is good for 2-3 times your space
  6. Uncle Reefer

    How does it feel you will never get a girl as hot as me

    I dont think I am who you think I am, but Hi anyway
  7. Uncle Reefer

    hps cermic bulbs real red and focusing uv out

    yup, that is really easy, everyday common glass both normal and tempered will block most UV. If you want to get rid of the rest or the UV, there is UV resistant coated glass that any glass store can get you.
  8. Uncle Reefer

    How does it feel you will never get a girl as hot as me

    Sure she is beautiful, but I think her most beautiful trait is that she cleaned and organized her room before taking these pictures, sigh ... what a beauti
  9. Uncle Reefer

    Keeping it simple - Coco + Blumats

    Can't argue with results, great work. I love seeing these bluemats work for you. There is definitely something to having perfect soil moister levels at all times. I wish I could get these to work for me but alas I got too many plants going and its too hard to reach the pots to adjust a check...
  10. Uncle Reefer

    Look who popped in for a visit

    That is comedy gold!
  11. Uncle Reefer

    Look who popped in for a visit

    Leucocoprinus birnbaumii, thank you collective consciousness. One more lifeform to add to my web of life in my grow room. Yep, you are right the intraweb says don't eat it. So I will only eat a little bit of it
  12. Uncle Reefer

    Look who popped in for a visit

    Here is a pic of an interesting yellow mushroom. I don't know what type it is. If anyone knows I would love to find out. I have lots of mushrooms show up in my worm bins and per compost bins but they are always white and brown or gray. I have never seen a yellow looker like this before. I know...
  13. Uncle Reefer

    Ontario landlords call for right to immediately ban pot in rentals despite tenant laws

    If it not illegal the landlord doesn't have the right. However, their lawyers are probably better than your lawyer.
  14. Uncle Reefer

    Rootbound and Heat Stress, is she Done?

    you got some good new green, you should be fine
  15. Uncle Reefer

    TV radiation

    I think you should go get a new plant, this one be dead.
  16. Uncle Reefer

    Anyone keep mothers in indirect sunlight only?

    A bad plan, your clones will suffer, you want your moms pumping under a full veg light which is like half of full flower light to get happy health rooted clones in 7/8 days. Your stunting plan will cause you fits while cloning. Unless you are not planning on taking cutting for more than 2...
  17. Uncle Reefer

    Faster flowering? (at ANY expense)

    It's really that simple, it takes 4 days to a week off my flower time. It basically turns off the plant, and it looks cool..... and It is NOT called the Emerson effect. sorry I misspoke. Let's call it far red flower initiation. It works well but it is called something else. It has to do with...
  18. Uncle Reefer

    Faster flowering? (at ANY expense)

    use the Emerson effect, that will save you a few days, to a week, google it. but basically, you use 730nm far-red light. You don't need much I use 10 wats to cover 6x6. turn them on right when the lights go off and leave it on for 6 minutes then turn it off. Every night, It makes your plants go...
  19. Uncle Reefer

    Getting jobs at legal grow sites.

    don't do it in Canada .Good way to get cancer
  20. Uncle Reefer

    Fusarium, My Experience

    Here is a fungus hack for anyone that has made it this far into this thread. What to make a big colony of GI? Buy a source with only GI as the active ingredient fill a tray with about an inch of peat, don't bother sterilizing take some waste stocks from a previous grow and cut them up into...