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  1. pjd907

    Unknown strain need help diagnosing deficiency

    There is a pic bro! Click on the url right below my first post
  2. pjd907

    Unknown strain need help diagnosing deficiency

    What did u do to help get rid of it?
  3. pjd907

    Unknown strain need help diagnosing deficiency

    It It does look like it. I use gh 3 part and it calls for a lil bit of the bloom nutes during veg. This plant isnt in flowering yet.
  4. pjd907

    Unknown strain need help diagnosing deficiency

    Its so weird because i have three different strains and this strains the only one that does it. The other girls are all green and perfectly healthy. I havent been pushing nitrogen into her. Ive been feeding very light.
  5. pjd907

    Tips on first time grow?

    It will take it a few days to pop. After the first day if the seed is still floating in the shot glass give it a push under the water and try and have it sitting on the bottom of the shot glass. Mine have always popped in 2-3 days.
  6. pjd907

    Problem with nutes or ?

    G Give them a lil longer, they may take a while after transplant to get use to new soil. Its not nute burn because the tips arent drying out or curling. What is your ph at?
  7. pjd907

    Tips on first time grow?

    Hey man, get a shot glass and put luke warm water in it and drop the seed in. It will pop in a few days and when it does plant it into watever medium you are going to use. 100% success rate with this method for me.
  8. pjd907

    Unknown strain need help diagnosing deficiency

    I use gh flora series. And they do look really cool like that. Im changin water as we speek gonna bump up nitrogen a lil
  9. pjd907

    Unknown strain need help diagnosing deficiency

    Hey everyone this is a unknown strain (bagseed) and i cant seem to figure out whats up with it. I gave it a good dose of cal-mag a week ago and no improvement.
  10. pjd907

    Claw like symptoms (pics)

    Heres my NPK 5-15-14 I was running them pretty hot at 1300 ppm there for a while so i think thats whats up. Im cutting way back now thats for sure
  11. pjd907

    Claw like symptoms (pics)

    Ive heard of canna, just really expensive stuff. I was thinking about giving maxibloom a try. Im just lookin for something simple.
  12. pjd907

    GH flora series users

    Does anybody else run the flora series 3 part? Im curious what peoples mixtures are during the flowering stage. Cant seem to dial it in
  13. pjd907

    Claw like symptoms (pics)

    I was thinking about changing nutes anyways. Do you have a recommendation? I run a rdwc system with four 5 gallon buckets. Theres about 30 gallons in the whole system
  14. pjd907

    Claw like symptoms (pics)

    Ill give it a shot dude. My ppm meter broke two days ago so ones in the mail on its way. Ill post the results with this test in a few and let you know what i come up with. Thanks for your input
  15. pjd907

    Claw like symptoms (pics)

    I I was following gh schedule for a rdwc system but since have cut way back. When i followed their recommendation my ppm was up around 1200-1300. Now ive cut it back to about 500-600 ppm. My ph the last couple days has been dropping about .3 over night. I try to keep it at around 5.8-6.0! Its...
  16. pjd907

    Claw like symptoms (pics)

    Im using flora series 3 part from gh. I have them in rockwool cubes and hydroton. The buds form then just stop growing. Im under a 750 watt hps
  17. pjd907

    Claw like symptoms (pics)

    Just wondering if i could get some input on my plants. They are about 7 weeks into 12/12 and the buds look horrible. Dark green foliage and claw looking fan leaves. Pics below.
  18. pjd907

    Cant figure out whats wrong with my budding plants.

    Oh and orange hairs are already appearing
  19. pjd907

    Cant figure out whats wrong with my budding plants.

    Im not sure what strains they are, bagseeds. I have three different strains running and they are all doing the same thing. Im using 750 watt hps, with the raptor 8" air cooled hood. One of the strains has "claw" like symptoms...
  20. pjd907

    Cant figure out whats wrong with my budding plants.

    I dunno dude! It has been in 12/12 for 6 weeks now. The top colas arent even colas they are so undeveloped and scragly. Would too much nitrogen slow/stunt growth in flowrr