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  1. pjd907

    Critical kush (barneys farm)

    Ahhh gotcha. Well ill be takin some pics of mine tonight so i can show u guys what im gettin
  2. pjd907

    Critical kush (barneys farm)

    How do u get night shots? Doesnt that mess up ur plants getting light on them during dark hours?
  3. pjd907

    Critical kush (barneys farm)

    Nice frankestien. Mine are done in a week tomorrow. The buds got so heavy i had to tie them all up. I am in the process of building my new hydro setup so im hoping for even a bigger yield goin hydro over organic soil/nutes.
  4. pjd907

    Rdwc setup

    All i gotta say is im pretty jealous. I would do anything to be able to have that size of a grow. All i got is a 5x5x7 tent for flowering and a 4x4x7 for veg. What strain are you running by chance? I need to find myself a high yielder
  5. pjd907

    Rdwc setup

    Wouldnt want that electric bill. Nice setup tho dude
  6. pjd907

    Rdwc setup

    Hey was wondering if anyone has any advice on setting up a rdwc system in my 5x5 tent. I only wanna do 4 plants in the system.
  7. pjd907

    Critical kush (barneys farm)

    Very nice lookin plant dude. Look at that frost. Those are gonna be some tasty buds right there.
  8. pjd907

    looks like overwatering?

    What i do is fill my bucket with about 4 gallons of water.(that has been sitting out for a few days to de -chlorinate the water). Get some cheap panty hose from the store and fill it with 2-3 cups of earthworm castings. Tie it off so its in like a clump at the bottom of the panty hose. Suspend...
  9. pjd907

    Nutrient section

    Oh ok didnt see that! Thanks for letting me know!
  10. pjd907

    looks like overwatering?

    Yeah just make sure its unsulfured blackstrap molasses. Can get it at any grocery store. Compost teas my friend are very very simple. With organics your not feeding nutes to your plants your feeding them to the microbial life in the soil which then they eat what u put in and turn that into food...
  11. pjd907

    looks like overwatering?

    Uve only fed them once and they are in flower right now? I bet those girls are hungry dude. Do u add blackstrap molasses to your nutes? Or have u ever tried brewing a compost tea? After i added the tea to my girls they blew up
  12. pjd907

    looks like overwatering?

    Well i use organic nutes also and from my experience organic nutes arent that strong. I had to double the application rate off the bottle. The picture of just the leaf makes it look like the plants are a lil hungry.
  13. pjd907

    looks like overwatering?

    Na dude my tent get to 60 at night and it hasnt really effected mine. Every strain is different tho. Are you using tap water?
  14. pjd907

    Nutrient section

    A place people can talk and share their experiences with different nutes/companies
  15. pjd907

    Grow tent advice needed

    This is my first time doin a sea of green and i highly recommend it. I topped all my plants and vegged them for bout two more weeks after that so they could recover. Its all about an even canopy my friend. And those kush strains are perfect for sea of green. Im runnin barneys farm critical kush...
  16. pjd907

    Grow tent advice needed

    It really depends on the strain your running man. I run a 750 watt hps in a 5x5 so a 600 should do you pretty good in a 4x4. I run 4 plants in my tent. I trained them to be a sea of green type grow. Heres a pic.
  17. pjd907

    looks like overwatering?

    looks like overwatering to me man. How often are you watering?
  18. pjd907

    roots might be suffocating?

    What are you feeding them? You should not be watering a plant that small every two days. I have huge plants in flower and i feed them every two days. Cut your waterings down to bout once every 4 days. Just lift the pot up ull kno when u need to water if its pretty light.
  19. pjd907

    Critical kush (barneys farm)

    Yeah mine definitely show signs on the leafs. Ive been pumping the cal mag in and i tried the epsom salt thing too and it didnt seem to help. The buds look really good tho so im not going to worry bout it to much anymore. Im using the general organics biothrive line for the first time so im...
  20. pjd907

    Critical kush (barneys farm)

    Heres mine at day 36 of 12/12.