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  1. Uncle Reefer

    help wiring thermostat

    it is the first think I posted, there ya go problem solved
  2. Uncle Reefer

    help wiring thermostat

    THe volt meter is to figure out what goes to what
  3. Uncle Reefer

    help wiring thermostat

    get a volt meter and check for continuity. 20 to 50 bucks at any homedespot
  4. Uncle Reefer

    help wiring thermostat

    At first look, I would say 1 is your hot in and 2 is your hot out and the n's are both neutral. However, I am not 100%, can you flip it over so I know what it is we are working with?
  5. Uncle Reefer

    help wiring thermostat

    pic's please. your post is not entirely clear
  6. Uncle Reefer

    Gorilla Bubble

    Any else getting a strong citrus smell from their GBx4's? Of the 11 beans I popped I got 6 girls 1 fire , 2 top drawer , 2 work horses and an airy fairy stink machine. I am really surprised to see so many different traits showing up, but the smells of...
  7. Uncle Reefer

    Change of name

    yea I had that picture of the tyrannosaurus seahorse. ,and reefersaurus was taken so I got stubborn. Then when I heard Dingus struggling over my name on the GML show I knew I needed to change it.
  8. Uncle Reefer

    What deficency??

    Just a side note vinegar is FANTASTIC for killing broad leaf weeds like blue bell and dandy lions. I would think twice before using it on my plants. Stick with phosphoric acid AKA ph down. It goes really far and is really cheap
  9. Uncle Reefer

    All Leaves Yellow. Will Buds Still Ripen?

    get the stuff that is going brown first, the tops that look like the brown is starting to get to your buds . cut the tops first then you can look at the stuff that is still green and decide
  10. Uncle Reefer

    Thrip late flower Help???

    Well I harvested what I could , then I used avid and dino-mite 5 times over a 20 day period, to save my veg and mother plants, mean while I cleaned and cleaned. I pulled down my b/w plastics and resealed my gaps, I pulled down jip rock and re insulated and put up...
  11. Uncle Reefer

    Thrip late flower Help???

    Well thrips where I live are way way worse than spider mites. They don't do as much damage but it takes soooo much more to get rid of them. I hope that you dont have the troubles that I had. I have had thrips twice, the first time I didnt think it was...
  12. Uncle Reefer

    Thrip late flower Help???

    well there is the right answer which we both know what it is ,, and the wrong answer ,that you and we really want to hear but wont work. So you know what neeed s to be done. Cut it down figure out what you did wrong and correct it. And clean clean...
  13. Uncle Reefer

    Advanced Nutrients Rhinoskin - Anybody used it?

    I have been growing 25 years and I keep getting better. I can only speak for me but I am never to old or experienced to learn.
  14. Uncle Reefer

    Advanced Nutrients Rhinoskin - Anybody used it?

    I would bet that you have improved your growing skills and that if you pulled it from a plant or 2 in your room you wouldn't know a difference.
  15. Uncle Reefer

    UV with cobs

    Careful if you are playing with fire with uv. It can work great but it can burn too. Be sure to turn them off EVERY time you enter the room. And by burn I mean the plants and it is bad for you
  16. Uncle Reefer

    Advanced Nutrients Rhinoskin - Anybody used it?

    A quick answer, Potassium silicate is probably just as good assuming you add it first, then wait, then ph. You don't need much. BUT the element that will help you the most is Calcium, typically you have lots in your nutes but it is the uptake that is...
  17. Uncle Reefer

    Silica and calmag

    I started using forums back when AN had their forum . I have been really off line as far as growing was concerned since then. I figured I had it figured out pretty good . I would look up the odd thing once in a while. But the meat and potatoes of my operation I...
  18. Uncle Reefer

    Chicken poop

    I know one old timers recipe is basically horse shit that he lets his chickens play in till they are done and move on. Then he let it sit till the next spring and it is black gold at that point
  19. Uncle Reefer

    A good PH meter at a reasonable price?

    is your profile pic the guy on a buffalo?
  20. Uncle Reefer

    A good PH meter at a reasonable price?

    they used to, not any more , depends on the product. Being Canadian we get fucked alot more then you yankies