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  1. Uncle Reefer

    A good PH meter at a reasonable price?

    b lue lab is good when it is good but they stop working well half the time, and their customer service is not what it was 2 years ago. I used to swear by blue lab but now . I am looking around for another, not enough up side for the high price
  2. Uncle Reefer

    Silica and calmag

    #oldmeduser is close to what I do 1 warm water 1/3 of the rez 2 potasium silicate 3 stir and wait 4 ph to 6.2- 7 depending on what your base nutes will do 5 add nitrogen and calcium and magnesium or cal mag, I buy them separately 6 stir and and the rest of t he...
  3. Uncle Reefer

    In a perfect world how far from the canopy would you like your lights?

    you dont get anywhere near enough ir to produce the heat you are after with diodes. But really ir other than 730nm is waste energy THere are better way to get there than an IR diode. 730nm is another topic. Runnig IR is either a by product or a stop gap...
  4. Uncle Reefer

    Enforcing "grams per kWh" as the most accurate measure of plant productivity

    I think we should use hectograms per 1.21 gigawats
  5. Uncle Reefer

    In a perfect world how far from the canopy would you like your lights?

    little birdy in the sky dropped a doodoo in my eye Im not sad and I don't cry cause I m just glad that cows dont fly
  6. Uncle Reefer

    Tissue Culture Cloning: eliminate mother plants & resources they require

    I hear ya there are not enough hours in the day. If you could try a couple without a growth node, that would be the breakthough in my mind, if it has a node It just seems like cloning to me. Nice gang of tables btw
  7. Uncle Reefer

    Tissue Culture Cloning: eliminate mother plants & resources they require

    IF you can propagate a plant, not using a growth node I will be hella impressed. I would grant you not one but 2 internet points to be used as you see fit. But seriously I would like to see this.
  8. Uncle Reefer

    Gsc phosphorus issues

    Time to pot up friend.
  9. Uncle Reefer

    In a perfect world how far from the canopy would you like your lights?

    awesome I would also like to see a shade , or at least a cad program we could print out our own pvc shades. Help keep that bright light out of the peepers and point it at the subject
  10. Uncle Reefer

    In a perfect world how far from the canopy would you like your lights?

    obviously your foot print is far superior to the hid's. I think at this point you have a better product, it is just a question of your new secret spectrum.
  11. Uncle Reefer


    Just had a panic moment ... Had this little guy show his face in my clover under an old mom plant When I see these guys my mind always goes straight to thrips and the horror show that they are. THis guy however isn't rective enough and a little to slow for...
  12. Uncle Reefer

    Is this a boron deficiency?

    I think we got this . Bubble and let your water sit. Looks like a water treatment issue
  13. Uncle Reefer

    In a perfect world how far from the canopy would you like your lights?

    2-3 feet is pretty ideal for me, I can have an inconsistent canopy and still get even coverage. The shades should cover the led from my eyes while standing. Plants get lost of side on lighting from naboring lights. and I mostly dont hit my head on the shades
  14. Uncle Reefer

    New Spectrum King SK600

    also if you buy a sk600 the word from the company is that they are 30% brighter than the same light eariler this year. YOu can send your old lights in and they will upgrade them... for a cost. True they are not very effecient but it is possible to grow...
  15. Uncle Reefer

    Supplemental fogger theory

    I like it, you must pay close attention to the foggers water temps, foggers make a lot of btus
  16. Uncle Reefer

    Last Flight of the Hempstar

    Don't feel bad I spent near 20K Canadian on these SK lights. I have had a bad year, a really bad year. But hey my quality is better than ever. About the Mars I don't know anything about it. I am a little too gun shy to recommend it or not
  17. Uncle Reefer

    Tissue Culture Cloning: eliminate mother plants & resources they require

    I would imagine that their claims are fraudulent. A small time player like that developing a world beating technique that has been used on other commercial plants for decades... We as a group are VERY scientific and world beating bunch. If it is possible...
  18. Uncle Reefer

    Tissue Culture Cloning: eliminate mother plants & resources they require

    I am very doubtful of this actually working, in order to clone a pot plant you need a growth node, with out the growth node it is not possible to grow new plant. I have seen many strange attempts. I have seen a leaf that was successfully cloned, it...
  19. Uncle Reefer

    Last Flight of the Hempstar

    Are you looking to replace or supplement the Spectrum king? Just so we know I am not happy with the spectrum king, but I dont know if tech has moved forward enough to justify replacing it yet. I would recommend either way to get the redest most efficient...