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  1. J

    Sound Box for inline fan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    dude i feel u i search dont find nuttin and then i post and i get nuttin lol. bet hey let me know how its works out for u cause id like to cut out the sound on mine too. i was thinking about using sound proofing foam in my tent like they do in studios
  2. J

    transplanting question

    my plants are about 2 inches tall and like 4 inches wide. 21 days into veg. just started nutes 2 nights ago and transplanted today ill put up pics
  3. J

    led ufo question. Help led users!

    I am vegging 4 plants in 1 gallon pots with a 90 watt ufo led light. Is this light gunna be enough to penatrate through the big fan leaves covering the leaves below? cause up until now im getting yello leaves under the big top fan leaves and they are curling up? pls help
  4. J

    transplanting question

    just transplanted my plans into a bigger pots. just need to know do i water them right after or feed them nutes? or do i just let thim sit in the soil? Also can i just use some spring water to water them or does that have chlorine in that too?
  5. J

    transplanting question

    just transplanted my plans into a bigger pots. just need to know do i water them right after or feed them nutes? or do i just let thim sit in the soil? Also can i just use some spring water to water them or does that have chlorine in that too?
  6. J

    does revive work from advanced nutrients?

    sweet man good looks. when they ship it is it usually consealed in a brown box right?
  7. J

    does revive work from advanced nutrients?

    my plants are lacking suttin and getting yellow and cripsy from the bottom up any one know if that revive nut works from advanced nutrients? how about any of the others like shock or candy bud?
  8. J

    How many people have failed on there first grow or 2?

    i like it i like it good stuff
  9. J

    How many people have failed on there first grow or 2?

    Just curious to see if whats the ratio of getting a plant on ur first grow id like to hear some stories of the failures and how u learned form ur mistakes. i think it makes for a great and helpful thread:dunce:
  10. J

    can't grow anymore :(

    okay bro i dont get it so how can u not control the smell whn u got 2 plants and a carbon can? isnt that a majore reaosn of havinf the can is to kill the smell? im just curious cause im on my first grow and im rigth under my parents room lol i aint gunn get evicted but damn they will lose all...
  11. J

    HELP PLS fox farm grow big question

    ok thanks fellas. im gunna try the nutes. id take pics but i got some people her cough girlfriend lol aint trying to be in there too long ill see how this works out and put some pics up tom. i am using a 90 watt ufo from ebay and some cfls i was using all 4 100 watt and then i cut down too 2 now...
  12. J

    HELP PLS fox farm grow big question

    thanks man i appreciate it. do u think the nutes could help out with possible deificiancy's?
  13. J

    HELP PLS fox farm grow big question

    sorry let me make this more clear. i mean the bottom fan leaves are yellow and starting to curl up wards and look like there just getting all crispy and dieing. but the top leaves are fine for now that is
  14. J

    HELP PLS fox farm grow big question

    my plants are starting to get yellow and curling up ath the bottoms underneither the tops are fine. i think its a deficancy problem. so i was going to begin my grow big since it has magnesium and copper ad all that shit in it hopefully to help. my question is.... it says mix 1 teaspoon per...
  15. J

    85 degrees to much?

    its in a bed room i just didnt know if it would bring like dust and shit u know but ill try it
  16. J

    Best ways to make co2

    so does it cost alot to use co2 like electircity wise?
  17. J

    question on using fox farm nutes

    since were are talking about nutes. any one every use the candy bud? sounds cool as shit but never heard anyone using it
  18. J

    How do my plants look?

    well i try to water every other day if i can. i have a moisture meter and when its low i try to water of if its low i might try and hold off till the next moring. just cause my tent seems to keep it so dry and in th elil cups they dry up fast so kinda like everyother day or evryday depending...
  19. J

    How do my plants look?

    oh ya sorry im using 2 fans on them one is a 12 inch and the other is a lil 4 inch also i see the stem starting to thicken up on my oldest plant. im using foxfarm oceanforrest. im growing LA WOMAN and BLUE CHEESE
  20. J

    How do my plants look?

    ok i dont no if this is stupid or not but i tapped up the cups with electric tape so they light cant penatrate through the cup