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  1. S

    pre flower

    wow, this site really makes the pictures tiny :P
  2. S

    pre flower

    So what do you think? it seems really early to tell what sex, but it does look like possible pre-flowers?
  3. S

    under watered or over watered

    Thanks for the response, Here is the same plant on the right 1 hour after watering it. both of the plants were started at the same time from seed, and topped.
  4. S

    under watered or over watered

    So what do you guys think, I watered this plant about 4 days ago with strait water, and this is what it looks like now. I would guess it is under watered, but i cant believe it took a turn like this so fast if that is the case. It looked perky and healthy one night, then the next morning it...
  5. S


    cool. thanks for the info both of you. this is my first grow, I'm hoping that beast in the clay pot is female so I can use it as a mother. It very stalky, it's only like 10 inches tall and the fan doesn't even budge the lower half of it.
  6. S


    Well I have two plants, I'm guessing it's to early to tell sex yet, but if in the off chance eather one is showing early signs I thought I'd post some pics and hopefully get some feedback on it. thanks : ) p.s. plants are 25 days old.
  7. S


    So I started a couple seeds, and I made (what I believe was a) Mistake, by planting one in a 1 liter soda bottle. It's one of those awkward shaped coke bottles. I found out that it's not a great idea because there isn't enough room for the roots, to reach any decent height for the plant. If I...