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  1. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    Milwaukee riots

    Do it yourself jackass its called photoshop
  2. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    Milwaukee riots

    When you can't attack the statement attack the man
  3. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    Milwaukee riots

  4. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    How in the hell did I not get arrested just now?

    Was gonna say..... No way that would fly in a place like Texas. Possession of marijuana down there is like an affront to the baby Jesus or something.
  5. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    what do u do with money

    It was in Brisbane where it was decided that your deposited money is in fact now debt the bank owes you. Its the most ridiculous concept in the world, to have someone else hold your money for you. Wait for itbongsmilie... the collapse of the State Bank of South Australia and the State Bank of...
  6. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    what do u do with money

    Chase bank JP Morgan G20s debt ruling Nearly every other instance of bank's losing your money Its almost like you haven't lived the last 5 years with the rest of the world. Im also having a hard time believing that it only costs you 4 to maintain an account. You must never spend a cent, and...
  7. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    How in the hell did I not get arrested just now?

    Was this in a decriminalized/medicinal state?
  8. MadNyeTheHydroGuy


    I love how everyone believed this
  9. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    Interesting COB Applications

    Im way ahead of ya... I think a couple of these placed strategically...
  10. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    Interesting COB Applications

    I saw this on YouTube and feel like i should share it with the world. It got me wondering what other interesting ideas are out there to mix things up with led cobs?
  11. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    Cree 3590 3500k 1.3mA how far from brand new sprouted seedlings?

    This is the day after the previous pics right? I see the gimpy leaf straightened up. Everything seems to be staying low w/no stretching
  12. MadNyeTheHydroGuy


    Im a much bigger dick that that, c'mon man...
  13. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    I Quit Smoking

    I remember when i was in elementary i took a bunch of modeling clay and made a giant dick and balls and left it in my art teachers desk. She made sure we got no more clay after lol
  14. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    Cree 3590 3500k 1.3mA how far from brand new sprouted seedlings?

    I want to, and im heavily considering it, but i stay in an apartment, and a shitty one at that. So i get alot of visits by maintenance, pest control, etc. I would rather have an inconspicuous cabinet that i can lock and explain away as a gunsafe or whatever than a grow tent, which can only be so...
  15. MadNyeTheHydroGuy


    How has this not devolved into a 4chan rate my dick thread yet
  16. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    Cree 3590 3500k 1.3mA how far from brand new sprouted seedlings?

    Yeah thats the thing of it, with a confined grow you can have limited height but you gotta have some width and length to compensate, or your going to LST all into the walls. Thats whats really holding me at square one, its hard to find a good dresser thats wide enough to accommodate a couple of...
  17. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    Cree 3590 3500k 1.3mA how far from brand new sprouted seedlings?

    Im kind of facing that issue, cant do it openly so the plan is to convert a dresser or something and then LST the shit out of them to maintain space, just cant find a used dresser that im satisfied with as far as dimensions go
  18. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    I Quit Smoking

    Im kind of a split between you two. Much like you, ive tried just about everything and loved most of it. MJ has always been my baby tho, but i cant snap out of the aversion i have to it now :/ i kind of felt like it might be a tolerance issue, but the mental block keeps me from building it back...
  19. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    I Quit Smoking

    And it kind of ruined it for me. I had quit for 3 years for a career, which ironically ended when i smoked ONE TIME and a series of unfortunate unrelated events prompted a drug test. Started smoking again hard for like 6 months about then stopped for ANOTHER career which doesnt really test but...