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  1. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    The Hillary & Bill Clinton legacy

    No but you are starting to make sense now. Its like peeling an onion. Its not ogre... Its never ogre... Is there something wrong with being gay all of a sudden? You flip flop more than hillary during voting season
  2. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    The Hillary & Bill Clinton legacy

    Tennis isnt played naked. Or with scrotums and foreheads.
  3. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    The Hillary & Bill Clinton legacy

    Your uncle lied to you
  4. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    The Hillary & Bill Clinton legacy

    Nah u posted pictures, not convictions. And u still haven't fessed up to your knowledge of banking systems, or posted the ages of the underage gay porn "actors" you posted previously
  5. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    The Hillary & Bill Clinton legacy

    Why cant you face your fascination with the lifestyle of a gay cuck pedophile (see: gay cuck pedophile fuck boi redirection) Since we are on the topic of unanswered questions, did you ever find those 911 convictions? Or learn basics about how banks and rates work? Or source the ages for those...
  6. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    The Hillary & Bill Clinton legacy

    How can you claim that you are not a gay cuck pedophile when you parrot the actions of gay cuck pedophiles (see: gay cuck pedophile fuck bois)
  7. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    Why do you think the politics section is dying?

    But i dont support trump UncleCuck... At the end of it all, im gonna be crying period, cuz we all lose this election year. So how does your bank work UncleCuck?:dunce:
  8. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    Why do you think the politics section is dying?

    You have a cuck profile pic, post tons of images of gay cuck underage porn, and somehow you are suprised to be labeled as a cuck. :bigjoint::dunce: :bigjoint::dunce: Internet logic But like i said, source me to racism and nazi-ism or quit being a crybaby. Ps, you wanna explain to us how banks...
  9. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    Why do you think the politics section is dying?

    Like i said, do you have any source for me furthering the "neo nazi" movement? I can answer that, no. I have posted regarding Hillary being a crook, and UncleCuck posting underage gay porn on RIU. There are no links there. Source a post of me being a nazi or quit being a drama queen. :dunce:
  10. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    The Hillary & Bill Clinton legacy

    That's politics. Throw all reason out the window, forget the past, and try to belittle the opposition as fast and hard as you can. Throw in some underage gay porn and you got UncleCuck
  11. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    The Hillary & Bill Clinton legacy

    Lol it was artful. Look. Im not a racist. Not a neo nazi. Not a white supremacist. Not an anti semite. I work my job and pay my bills and love my people and as long as you dont come between any of that, i dont give any fucks if you are a black transexual jew, because i dont give a fuck about you...
  12. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    The Hillary & Bill Clinton legacy

    :clap: You forgot to call me a neonazi
  13. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    Why do you think the politics section is dying?

    Lol im a neo-nazi now for thinking Hillary is a crook. Got any source for that claim? This is what's wrong with politics in general, you go against someone and your a racist neonazi (no telling what is to be said for black and Jewish trump supporters) Theres just no place in the world for...
  14. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    The Hillary & Bill Clinton legacy

    I got bored pushing all the other buttons, and you are welcome to show proof you are NOT a cuck, though the profile pic, underage gay porn, and 05% NAMBLA rating indicate otherwise.
  15. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    Bagseed grow log

    Looking good so far, keeping up with the progress. I would post pics to help with the pre flower deal but i cant seem to get it to work. Just google it there are tons of pics to help you identify preflowers out there
  16. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    The Hillary & Bill Clinton legacy

    Care to debunk with source?
  17. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    The Hillary & Bill Clinton legacy

    Why are all NAMBLA members so defensive of their right to have deep, meaningful relationships with young underage boys? I guess ppl are just passionate about what they love. Got those porn actors records? 911 convictions? Care to regale us with another tale of your magic money tree bank?
  18. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    The Hillary & Bill Clinton legacy

    You mixed up your meme folder with your pron folder again. At least you diddnt accidently click on the one with the "tasteful artistic nudes" of young boys. That would be a hard one to explain. Especially since you currently hold a 01% rating with NAMBLA
  19. MadNyeTheHydroGuy

    The Hillary & Bill Clinton legacy

    Thats a family portrait. You can see bucks father in the foreground with what is clearly his step mother behind in a loving embrace. Such a touching family moment explains alot about bucks current worldview, and why he runs through the burning streets of America ripping his clothes off screaming...