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  1. C

    question on male or female

    ok heres the the thing. i cant get a pic of it. but ponly on 2 of my bottom nodes there r like just a clear ball i guess u can say. idk wat it its. but than on the top nodes there a hairs showen. so i am confused. any help.
  2. C

    female or male

    they aint balls. it looks like 2 lil leaves coming from the nodes
  3. C

    female or male

    im tryin to get pics i cant get a good close up one
  4. C

    female or male

    i got a plant and its startin to preflower. but i cant tell if its a male or female but if looks like there are 2 like leave lookin things any help?
  5. C

    first time growing pics.

    i hope its female. i still cant tell yet. but im crossin my fingers.
  6. C

    first time growing pics.

    dude ive never smoked medical. but i heard its the omg of weed. lol
  7. C

    first time growing pics.

    thats why i wanna grow. i wanna taste my own shit.
  8. C

    first time growing pics.

    i might be a noob at growin but still i wanna learn as much as i can
  9. C

    first time growing pics.

    so wat kind of CFL light should i get, like wat size watts?
  10. C

    first time growing pics.

    ok man thanks.
  11. C

    first time growing pics.

    so. the ones i got anit goin to be any good?
  12. C

    first time growing pics.

    i am 18 man.
  13. C

    first time growing pics.

    lol thanks for the help. i am 18, im just a lil drunk so ya.
  14. C

    first time growing pics.

    i no ppl have been tellin me to use differnet ones but there like for reptile heat lamps.
  15. C

    first time growing pics.

    im 18 man.
  16. C

    first time growing pics.

    ok thanks man. i no my biddys have been tellin me that i just need to get more pots lol. so i need to put the light closer to my plants?
  17. C

    first time growing pics.

    first time growing any tips?
  18. C

    help on female and male

    My plant is about 5 nodes high and i can start to see like lil strands i guess there not hairs but idk wat they are so like signs of a make or female.
  19. C

    help on female and male

    How big do your plants have to be to tell the sex of the plant?