first time growing pics.


Well-Known Member
Read that link man :) It will tell you everything you need to know in amazing details! But for veg you need 6500K and flowering switch to softer light 2700K. Its up to you on the watts. I use 23watt 6500k right now. I have 4 per plant. And i have them positioned around the plant so its like a box of light haha. Seems to be doing the trick nicely.


Well-Known Member
26 or 42 watt. 6500°K and 18/6 light schedule for the vegetative stage. 2700°K and 12/12 light schedule for the flowering stage

Chucky you should def read this thread over:
Agreed:) There are tones of threads man. Take a few hours and just read up. Do your homework and you will answer most if not all your grow questions. I hate reading but i find this stuff absolutly fasinating haha. I can't wait till i experiance the feeling of smoking my own stuff.


Well-Known Member
It is one of the best feelings in the word dude, that first hit of your homegrown will have you hooked on growing. At least that is what happened to me


Well-Known Member
Oh i bet man. Just growing it right now is like so amazing haha. I check on it constantly! I know in time i will prob not pay as much attention to it lol. But everytime i come and go from my house i check on it. Move my baby around a bit. I just hope its a female lol. It smells crazy good as of right now with about 3 nodes on it. Been in my box for about a week. The plant is prob almost a month itself but the first while it was a window baby lol.. Its medicinal too. I've never smoked Medicinal but the guy i got it from says its good :P Any comments on it? lol


Well-Known Member
I would start another seed just for backup in case the one you have now is female. I was just reading a journal recently where the guy had one plant and it turned out male. Talk about heartbreaking haha


Well-Known Member
yeah im thinking about it man. Gotta get some seeds tho. And i dunno how trustworthy ordering them of the net is. My profession is quite....well say agienst drugs lmao.. so i cant really get caught. So i'm gonna have to find someone with some. And i hope it is female cause i wanna try this "omg of weed" lmao


Well-Known Member
The only bud I smoke is medical, I live in So.Cal. and I have my medical card. The clones I buy I get them straight from the shop already sprouted and growing. I just need to pick up some better lights for my setup and I can have some dank.


Well-Known Member
haha true. Im a Medic so the idea of a guy saving people who smokes the chronic is frowned upon. haha. But ya i will have to look into that. Idealy i would like stuff which doesnt stink up my house. I've read about the carbon filters. But my grow box is not 100% sealed so that doesnt really work for me.. Got any ideas about smell control ? Right now i keep a dryer sheet on the exhaust fan. Makes the room smell like fresh laundry:P


Well-Known Member
How is the medicinal bud man? I guess if you dont have any other bud to compare it to its hard for you to answer that lol..


Well-Known Member
Yeah im reading about some of the gel stuff atm, Im not gonna pay 200 bucks to keep the smell down. Looking at the 10$ can of stuff. What do i do with it? lol


Well-Known Member
Place a block in ventilation ducting to control odors for 15 to 30 days, add gel to misting systems or humidifiers or dispense into rooms.

That was taken from the link man.........