first time growing pics.


Well-Known Member
Yup :) First off. Grats on growing man. Give us some specs. Soil/lighting/nutes/age/strain.. Second thing i can tell ya quickly is stretched plants dude. Lower that light. Third thing. Each plant needs to be in its own pot. Or your gonna get some problems real quickly


Well-Known Member
I agree with everything that nugglet said. You took the words right outta my mouth dude, plus rep


ok thanks man. i no my biddys have been tellin me that i just need to get more pots lol. so i need to put the light closer to my plants?


Well-Known Member
Get some CFL's or something because the light you have now sucks. I find it kinda hard to believe that you are 18 man......


Active Member
using reptile lights?man stick that shit in the sun or get some 450 hps,go with toms suggestion,buy some cfl's that dont cost an arm and make a nice size closet.i would move those plants into individual pots like someone suggested;if you have them going in the same one their destined to get rootbound and if one turns male,youll probally wont be abel to take it out without taking other plants


Well-Known Member
I would just start some new seeds over once you get new lights. And keep them in their own pots this time


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the plus rep btw tom :)

Forget the whole 18 situation man. lol.. regardless of how old you are... Where the hell did u get reptile heat lights? lmao... anyways if cash is a issue go with what someone said above. CFLS. Cheap and they work good.

Read up on some growing guides man. Im not no pro or anything just done my homework and in the process of growing my first batch :P
Here is a link to a cfl guide which answered every question i had and convinced me cfls were exactly what i needed for my grow space :)

Good luck dude


Well-Known Member
Nope, do you see your plants? Lol no offense but they look terrible... Get some spiral CFL's and you will be in a better position to grow some bud


Well-Known Member
Its a shame to throw them away. Trust me i know :( But its up to you really man. Personally i would prob toss em and start over becuase u will recieve much better outcomes quicker. Read that cfl post i linked for you and you will be much better off :) Cheers buddy and happy growing !