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  1. coolio069

    which light are better

    any help 2 u
  2. coolio069

    which light are better

    yes there GE andfle26ht3/2/sw on the bulb helical 26w 120vac 60 hz 390ma
  3. coolio069

    how can u tell if there 6500 or 2700 help please

    how can u tell if there 6500 or 2700 help please
  4. coolio069

    which light are better

    Ive went and bought 6 26 watts cfl lights but i need 2 know are these good for veg or flow or both and how 2 tell what color or 6500-2700 im clueless the box dont say coolwhit of any hting and there GE kind and there 1750 lumes plez help
  5. coolio069

    which light are better

    cool that will work has anyone try the hydoponic led lights how well they work anyone 6000 color temp on 225 watts 50$ plus shipping
  6. coolio069

    which light are better

    hps will it screw into my light socket or is it a specail setup and does walmart sell hps do u know in us
  7. coolio069

    which light are better

    i did have a 200 watt holg and a 200 watt grow halg but i have read to not to use them
  8. coolio069

    which light are better

    k mine is small and little bushy about 12'' id say so can i go ahead and put on 12/12. ill have pics soo as i find my cam
  9. coolio069

    which light are better

    thanks Im about 2 start flowering my 3 plants what cfl watts and how many
  10. coolio069

    which light are better

    the cfl how can you get diffrent spectrum how can you tell by the watts or what
  11. coolio069

    Found a MOnster!!!

    yallz crazy lmao