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  1. coolio069

    1.5 months old approx

    what does that mean fred dont under stand u loud and clear
  2. coolio069

    1.5 months old approx

    thats the rock on fantastic four ever heard of it fred
  3. coolio069

    1.5 months old approx

    did i do wrong k-town cause stumps never said anything ive been talking 2 him for a few is this inappropiate cause ill change it if so.
  4. coolio069

    1.5 months old approx

    i dont know how 2 zoom on the phone and my camera is geting worked on
  5. coolio069

    1.5 months old approx

    soprry fred ill change i recond since it is unapropiate or how ever you say that
  6. coolio069

    1.5 months old approx

    sorry any tip fred at 420 or not ill change it ive read the rule and it says nothing about rude or naked picks for ur profile u are the first preson to say somthing and been on here for a week or 2 anybody else and i will change it but im not puting my pic on here. sorrryy, not to be an ass hole...
  7. coolio069

    1.5 months old approx

    i can get banned i read the rules and it says there is bad lauguage but if so i will quick sorry fred at 420 if i affended u or anyone!!! besides that any help or tips no i guess..
  8. coolio069

    1.5 months old approx

    it getto setupo i know but got laid off last week so im on a budget any tips.....
  9. coolio069

    1.5 months old approx

    been out side for about 3 weeks and under 2 holagen lights 200 watt apiece on was a grow lanp blue but found out ain't worth a shit so been under 4 26 watt cfl for about a week now tonight just added 2 more one on each side got cans for reflector on the sides now i got a metal pan from the store...
  10. coolio069

    Whoops i scooped up my roots trying to test ph

    where can i get a good ph tester for cheap
  11. coolio069

    --1st full CFL grow--

    well is leting sun have a part in growing better than cfl all day every day intereded in the info
  12. coolio069

    how to wire light socket

    thanks but what happens if u wire it up the oppisite any thing cause i did it totally opp. but it works so far so good but i did it the same way i had my plug so am i in the clear would it have worked if it was wrong or just blew a braker or the bulb or set fire. thanks alot man alittle late but...
  13. coolio069

    FIRST TIME GROWING! need help

    were can u find coco mate and are them from see of clone
  14. coolio069

    is chorcoal ashes the same as wood ashes ??

    is chorcoal ashes the same as wood ashes and what does it do bring down ph of fert
  15. coolio069

    how to wire light socket

    I bought a light socket with a gold and silver screws the gold one is in the middle and the silver is the screw piece so is the gold hot is that right and the silver goes to the threads ground k on an extention cord which one is hot the white or black the white is hot and black is ground ...
  16. coolio069

    which light are better

    what the hell happen got kicked off and could not get back on but found out 2700 ur right stups can i still veg wjith it for a couple of weeks more
  17. coolio069

    which light are better

    thanks so does all cfl lights have temp or just some anyone know cause i called and my lights are N/A for temp what the hell just my luck did i buy some bunk azz lights there bright white i guess. hope to hear some good new or should i take them back if i can find reciet how can the maker say...
  18. coolio069

    i did reserch on part number and it said N/a thats sux did i waste my money. got 6 of them and...

    i did reserch on part number and it said N/a thats sux did i waste my money. got 6 of them and their bright white i guess. thanks for the input
  19. coolio069

    which light are better

    so thats great for flow right my plant is about 12'' AND ONLY HAS ABOUT 4 to five nodes or branches can i flow now or wait till 8 or 9
  20. coolio069

    which light are better

    i want to saw the sw at the end is soft white i would say but yea find of if u can appriciate it very much STUMPS so u cant use the same light through veg and flow that suxs