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  1. jcommerce

    Pheno Hunt - Paradise Seeds' Ice Cream (Hydro Style)

    Just took some beefy ass clones off of the top 6 plants (24 total). The mothers looked like they'd been beat to shit afterward and the next day I could hardly tell...nice recovery! Here are some update pics. Flower room getting close to being ready even though it will be 5 - 6 weeks before it...
  2. jcommerce

    Clone Room Question...

    I am man enough to admit when I'm wrong. When I said 30ml/gallon above, I was incorrect. That's what I use (30ml total) for my 4 gallon cloner. As I'm getting ready to run some more clones, I realized my error in my post. The correct ratio is 7.5ml/gallon of shock dilution to add to cloners...
  3. jcommerce

    Post your pvc scrog pics...

  4. jcommerce

    Post your pvc scrog pics...

    Got pics??
  5. jcommerce

    Super Lemon Haze Harvest Vid

    Thanks was. We "donate" significant quantities to the very well known, local dispensary and it always sells out in 24 - 48 hrs. : ) Maybe they, and I, should up the donation price...heh heh. Nah...even though Gordon Gecko would disagree...greed is bad.
  6. jcommerce

    Post your pvc scrog pics...

    Guess no one uses PVC in their SCROGs....curious...
  7. jcommerce

    Pheno Hunt - Paradise Seeds' Ice Cream (Hydro Style)

    Did 60%+/- rez changes yesterday and brought PPMs up to low 700 range on all containers. A PPM check this afternoon revealed PPMs in the 560 - 580 range...guess they were hungry. Gonna let them just chill for a day or two before I give em more nutes. They were all in a little be of shock, I'm...
  8. jcommerce

    Super Lemon Haze Harvest Vid

    Be sure to watch in 720p or 1080p
  9. jcommerce

    What deficiency do these UC DWC girls have?

    ^^^ Good suggestions. Rinsing roots with Clearex is good (and it's reasonably priced), plus AquaShield is cheaper than Hydroguard and is a more organic alternative to the latter.
  10. jcommerce

    What deficiency do these UC DWC girls have?

    Those are clearly clones (asymmetrical growth) and I would not be hitting them at 800ppm yet, myself. I'd have them around 500 at that stage. They do look like they are having slight deficiencies though. Since you just did a rez change, I would add your grow formula along with CalMag as...
  11. jcommerce

    Pheno Hunt - Paradise Seeds' Ice Cream (Hydro Style)

    Pretty crazy. I moved this plant from the ebb/flood to the bubbler 72 hours ago and pruned the roots back to the base of the net pot. This is 72 hrs worth of root growth in DWC. As I've said before, DWC never ceases to amaze.
  12. jcommerce

    Temporary solutions for high heat areas

    Touche...meant transpirate...
  13. jcommerce

    Temporary solutions for high heat areas

    I'd test it out and see what kind of humidity levels you are getting before buying a dehumidifier. Since you're in a dry state, you may not need it. Keep in mind, however, that as the plants get bigger, they will transpirate more and more and humidity will go up.
  14. jcommerce

    Doubletake 4000 watt grow (soil

    Nice grow. Regarding DWC, I would personally never do more than a couple of individual DWC buckets (like I do with totes for moms). RDWC is the only way to go if you're running more than 2 - 3 plant sites. So incredibly're only dealing with the reservoir. Any changes made in the...
  15. jcommerce

    Pheno Hunt - Paradise Seeds' Ice Cream (Hydro Style)

    Haven't really been looking too hard, but just spotted first female pre-flower on one of the moms.
  16. jcommerce

    Garbage Can Grow (heat issues)

    ^^^ That's way too roomy for Oscar the Grouch.
  17. jcommerce

    Pheno Hunt - Paradise Seeds' Ice Cream (Hydro Style)

    Not the first time someone's thought of me as a cold hearted asshole...8) I even did some more after last post....someone take these Fiskars away from me for a while. I just HAVE to top man!
  18. jcommerce

    Garbage Can Grow (heat issues)

    Those plants look really good for their age and for being in soil (or is that a coco mix?). Nice job!
  19. jcommerce

    Garbage Can Grow (heat issues)

    Can we call you Oscar the Grouch?? ; )
  20. jcommerce

    Temporary solutions for high heat areas

    Buy an AC, trust me on this one.