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  1. 420mon

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    mon will start flowering mon light dep on the 22nd of this month, getting crowded hard to walk thru with everything touching. flavors mon is cooking now, key lime pie, cherry pie, greencrack, banana kush and some old sweettooth beans crossed with some unknown, produces qp nugs outdoors if grown...
  2. 420mon

    Calling all whove grown Ms. Strawberry Cough!

    Mons did not really like the straight outdoors, it did do better in a greenhouse. It seems to mon that it does not like the full sun during the hottest part of the day, Mons strawberry outdoors was planted along a wall and part of it was shaded during the hottest part of the day, those buds...
  3. 420mon

    Will my winter outdoor grow concept work ?

    You will need to add lights to keep them from going into flower unless that's what you want. You can always get a timer for the lights, dump the heaters and just have lights come on 4 hours after it gets dark til sunup then lights off and plant gets sunlight til dark, 4 hours of darkness and...
  4. 420mon

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    blockhead, 3rd harvest off same plant almost another 8 zips on 3rd harvest of fluff........
  5. 420mon

    Taste and Smell

    Simply dry slower, 7-10 days is good.
  6. 420mon

    Getawaymountain outdoor crop 2013

    Nice pics, looks tasty....kinda reminds me of dream queen, the look.
  7. 420mon

    2013 outdoor - central cali

    Mon agent orange smells so damn good, but it also looks like its gonna be the last one to be smells like a yummy orange, it really takes after its name! Mon thinks she is a 3lber, heavy yield fosho.
  8. 420mon

    Do you reuse your soil?

    Mon is on his 3rd year with same coco, not really an issue since mon puts everything into it and it gets flushed out before harvest, then add stuff to it again before planting new......If you take care of your soil/coco you can keep using if you are having problems then toss it. Things Mon adds...
  9. 420mon

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    Still another 3ish maybe 4 weeks for these, mon have 2 sour d and 4 blue dreams...sour d is starting to get yellow fan leaves and losing alot of leaves but mon gonna let em ride, blue dream is too but not as fast. Will try to get some more pictures as plants come down, greenhouse has been too...
  10. 420mon

    chop top now and bottom couple days later?

    mon chops all buds that are ready, any fluff remains on plant and comes off in about 2-3 weeks give or take. First week it does not do much, second and 3rd week they start really taking off. Mon flushes, so after first harvest, mon feeds with nutes 1x then back to molasses and flushing. Mon...
  11. 420mon

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    Mon didn't point or fire any warning shots, mon does not fire warning shots. Mon just walked out to talk to them and see why he was looking into my property. Time to pull the RV next to greenhouse and some late night slayer & Metallica with a few spotlights, some late night ufo watching...
  12. 420mon

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    Its to protect mon, not marijuana.
  13. 420mon

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    So mon lady is lookin out our back window this morning and there was a dude dressed in camo looking into my property with binoculars hiding in the hills and trees. Mon went and opened the blinds and he looked right at mon and then tried to hide behind a tree. Got mon shotgun and walked out there...
  14. 420mon

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    Cured weed can turn yellowish, brownish, nothing wrong with it, the deep green is what taste harsh and hay taste etc....did it lose flavor or taste great? Mon wouldn't worry about it unless it was an awful brown like dirtweed. In fact mon has some strawberry cough that has a yellow tinge color...
  15. 420mon

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    This is my fluff from the bottom of the plant after chopping off the top colas, fattenning up and turning purple, mon chopped the tops about 3 weeks ago......this one is late outdoor light dep blockhead, will take the rest of the fluff tmw morning, shd be a bout a qp thst mon wuldnt have got had...
  16. 420mon

    Harvesting partial branches so top colas don't start degrading?

    I chopped all the big colas on mon plant, and now the bottom fluff is fattin p and turnin purple from the stress and cold.....
  17. 420mon

    Dude gets 20 yrs for 15 grams of pot, 3rd x busted with a flower.
  18. 420mon


    Mon friend has a Pit bull that lets you in but you can NOT leave without the dog being put away or held back by its master. If you happen to walk in the gate up to the door and he is not home, you might be waiting a while and while you are waiting the dog will force you to pet him, it can...
  19. 420mon

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    Mon will probably go the way of carport next year, high winds are battering the PVC greenhouse and it is breaking via the connectors.....Mon has fixed it but is worried.
  20. 420mon

    Is harvesting a plant in stages worth the extra effort?

    Thats a good guess, 2-3 weeks works well.....sometimes they even purple up from the stress of first chp and the cold and look like another strain.