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  1. 420mon

    yes another yield question

    Oh I only have 20 years growing on my belt. You have like 10-12 tops, I don't see more than a half a zip per top and doubt all will be half a zip each....ok maybe 5 oz IF U LUCKY...... I would expect a qp and anything more would be icing on the cake......but thaats jus mon.
  2. 420mon

    yes another yield question

    qp if you are lucky.......
  3. 420mon

    Too Late to Top & FIM GSC?

    Not too late until flowering, once flowering leave it alone.
  4. 420mon

    Did i get ripped off?

    Craigslist clone
  5. 420mon

    The federales are flying

    All black unmarked heli flew over mine, so low I could see the pilot. Also a greyish plane did 4 circles over my garden with big black looking camera on one of the wings other day......
  6. 420mon

    Outdoor Show And Tell 2013! Expert Tips And Suggestions Wanted!

    Best tip Mon has learned here is from Uncle buck, dip it in diet dr. pepper, place in cat food, roots in 4-8 hours.
  7. 420mon

    think ur good at cloning?

    Isn't carbonation Co2? this is how you get more Co2 to plants right? Gonna spray with soda once a week!!!! LOTS OF C02!!!!!! :)
  8. 420mon

    budworm help! works well, Mon has used this in the past before greenhouse and sunscreen. Spray and put up the fine netting. you will probably need to use it again in another week after spraying the first time, to make use you get any new ones that...
  9. 420mon

    Scumbag rippers already checkin out my crop?

    LOL some tweeker chick knocked on my door the other day, told mon I'd better watch my crop cuz some of her tweeker friends might try to steal it........Mon just laughed and showed her mon security team, Mon never got ripped with just No neck lucky, now I got smalls the giant and bain the muscle...
  10. 420mon

    Pipes for Sale! All proceeds from RIU sales go to the FDD Vacation fund!

    I don't need to look at his stuff to say this...... you want a real well made pipe then shell out the big bucks otherwise stfu and buy a cheap pipe like you did. Same shit goes for top shelf, people saying they want top shelf but then only want to pay mid prices and complain that it was not AAA...
  11. 420mon

    Looking to make friends out in cali.

    If that is your ASS in Avatar then we can be friends anytime.
  12. 420mon

    Should i fight PM?

    plant pathogens are usually fungi or viruses You are correct, the actual PM is fungi but Mon believe the plant itself after being infected and showing no signs of PM still carries it even if it does not show thus being infected like a virus?
  13. 420mon

    Should i fight PM?

    It will com back as soon as you stop neeming or when conditions are right. Yes you must watch for it until it is done, you are correct PM is a virus and can only be kept at bay by treatment.....Neem once a week will keep it away, but gets tricky and time consuming once flowering. If you spray...
  14. 420mon

    Coco Flush Questions "advanced growers only"

    Not mon problem you are gay to think it is gay because only gays would think it was gay n say it was much gay porn?
  15. 420mon

    Coco Flush Questions "advanced growers only"

    You are the dumb one, Mon said mon flush you noob. Mon said mon wanted some early smoke for the 4th of july and cut a nug off BEFORE FLUSHING. Mon said the UNFLUSHED WEED TASTED BOMB AND THE ASH WAS WHITE BUT THAT COULD BE BECAUSE MON DON"T FEED ALOT YOU FAG. Perhaps you should learn how to...
  16. 420mon

    Should i fight PM?

    neem once a week and incresss airflow.......
  17. 420mon

    High temps/humidity buds WILL NOT dry

    Big paper bags work well as long as you dont put too much.....
  18. 420mon

    Somebody chopped half of my plants

    Made one of these a few years ago, my freaking wife ended up walking on it....doh she dropped fast
  19. 420mon

    Too busy to open ur jars while curing! Here is the solution... Ur 2 Cents!

    Slow cold dry cure for 2 weeks hanging and you wont need to burp or cure, trim and smoke............