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  1. StephanieAk

    FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

    You're joking right? This isn't real.
  2. StephanieAk

    FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

    Is this the same thread with the fucking seeds in rice?
  3. StephanieAk


    That is gross.
  4. StephanieAk


    in alaska they call them honey pots lol lol lol
  5. StephanieAk


    they're on my actual computer im on my laptop at the hospital lol
  6. StephanieAk


    I've been on and off mostly just lurking the threads. He gets out on wed. and ill be back.
  7. StephanieAk


    Lol Miss me? My sons been in the hospital since the 4th from this stupid flu
  8. StephanieAk


    lol you know what i mean :)
  9. StephanieAk


    must be all the cocaine and prostitutes.
  10. StephanieAk

    Marijuana vending machines

    It's like in a restaurant you don't make me happy there is someone else who will... if the customer isn't happy they won't come back... it's about building repore with you're patients and when you're working with quantity on the level that dispensaries do you understand the price of .2 .3 of...
  11. StephanieAk

    growing with kids in the house

    I have been raided and spent 3 months in jail for being unable to pay bail. And when they served me with the search warrant "before we could ask her anything she told us, "I am invoking my fourth fifth and sixth amendment rights."" And I got a court appointed because yes attorney retainers are...
  12. StephanieAk

    Marijuana vending machines

    No its not about the double d's. Its the fact that I have been to countless dispensaries and it's rarely weighed on point. When some one knowledgeable walks into a dispensary its not usually missed. The point is if they weigh it on point I know 100% for sure that somewhere down the road there is...
  13. StephanieAk

    Marijuana vending machines

    Speak for yourself! When a knowledgeable female walks in to a dispensary with double d's to buy a gram she usualy walks out with a gram and a half. If ever go into a dispensary and its weighed on point I don't come back.
  14. StephanieAk

    Marijuana vending machines

    The vending machines suck. 1 everything is pre weighed no chance of building good report with the bud tender and getting hooked up fat. 2 you don't know what bud you're getting because its behind the glass. you cannot check it out then put back if you want something else. As a connoisseur I...
  15. StephanieAk

    growing with kids in the house

    Lol thank you kind sir! Knowing your rights is half the battle invoking them when the time calls for it is a completely different story! Its scary sticking it to the man but so fun after you realize you've done it!
  16. StephanieAk

    FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

    HAHA oh Doc you just made my morning :)
  17. StephanieAk


    Naked women are beautiful like a work of art. Naked men need to put on some clothes.
  18. StephanieAk

    growing with kids in the house

    I couldn't have said it any better myself. Fire alarms and extinguishers are a must and a carbon monoxide detector is good too. I don't know the laws in California but I know your protected by the constitution. Every one on here needs to know their 4th 5th and 6th amendment rights. 4th You have...
  19. StephanieAk

    The first car you owned and the best car you owned...

    Idk My front head gasket? wasn't tightened up properly and I let my car run out of oil and a piece of it broke off. I know ZERO about cars. But my dad is a mechanic and he glued it back together! He said if it didn't work that my engine needed to be thrown in the trash.
  20. StephanieAk

    FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

    I really could care less. If you don't like the cut of my jib hit ignore. It's the internet. Besides he has no idea who I am... He would be kicking himself in the sac if he ever met me in real life....