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  1. S

    MALE???? HELP please my first time!!!!

    Hell yeah dudes, my Girl is lookin' fine as a mufucker now!!!! Shes only got like 1-2 weeks left and She will be done!!!! I can't wait it's going to be the shit. ~ JRock.
  2. S

    Possible to Harvest without killing?

    Is it possible to Harvest my Girl without killing Her? I've read a couple of things online that say you can just cut the buds off and/or cut some of the branches with buds on 'em and then after you get all the buds off, hang them up like you usually would and cure like normal. Will this work...
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    MALE???? HELP please my first time!!!!

    Thanks guys, She's even more fuckin' beautiful now. She's has so many bud sites they're alllll over Her, white hairs everywhere. It's so awsome, I love Her soooo much, I can't wait to enjoy Her buds!!!! Which brings me to my next question....Anyone know about how long from the START of Flowering...
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    MALE???? HELP please my first time!!!!

    Yes I do, I only have a shitty ass camra phone. I'll get my friend to bring his digital over and i'll take some better ones. ~ JRock.
  5. S

    MALE???? HELP please my first time!!!!

    She seems to be doing a lot better since I started giving Her the new nutes (15-30-15) but there are still a couple of brown spots and wilted leafs, but it doesn't seem to be getting any worse, and She's blooming great so hopefully the problem has been solved. I have another question for you...
  6. S

    MALE???? HELP please my first time!!!!

    You guys just made my day, fuck that, you just made my year!!!! I thought I was just going to get some okay, but not that great, bud b/c of what the bag was like. But if She's going to be a SEXY ass plant then thats the best news i've heard in years!!!! Today I went in to feed Her and She has...
  7. S

    MALE???? HELP please my first time!!!!

    Hellz yeah dude, I can't wait until Harvest!!!! My first Girl, and She's beautiful, got all these groups of pretty white hairs and little buds forming. She's going to be so tasty, only 'cause I grew Her 'cause Shes probably only going to be like a Mid-Grade plant, so it will be just like the...
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    MALE???? HELP please my first time!!!!

    It's all good, I got 1 Female so i'm happy(aslong as She makes it to Harvest!!!!). ~ JRock.
  9. S

    HELP, PLZ!!!! Leafs browning/wilting, 1st grow, what 2 do?

    I'm 3 weeks TODAY into Flowering and some of the leafs at the bottom of my baby girl and of "fan" leafs higher up on her are wilting and/or getting little brown spots. Is this normal? It doesn't seem normal, I have been watering everyday(not like a full cup or anything) but I think it might be...
  10. S

    Nute/Food for Flowering

    All they had at the store by my house was some Miracle-Grow Bloom Booster powder 15-30-15, they had some other shit that was like 10-10-10 or 13-13-13 but they weren't name brand and they looked all ghetto so I asked 2 of the people that worked there and they both said they use the M.G.-B.B...
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    Nute/Food for Flowering

    Cool man, thanks. ~ JRock.
  12. S

    My beautiful ladies!!

    DAMN!!!! That is fuckin' BEAUTIFUL man, your sooooo lucky, your about to have a lot of DANK ass weed to blaze on. And that settles it for me, my next grow i'm getting some feminized white widow/haze hybrids from Attitude fuck just growin' with seeds I get out my dankest bags, I WANT THAT...
  13. S

    3 weeks into flowering... male or female? pics..

    Deff. Female, pretty too. ENJOY!!!! ~ JRock.
  14. S

    Nute/Food for Flowering

    True that, I didn't even think about those pre-paid Visa cards, thats a good ass idea. I can use one of those to get the nutes and some seeds from Attitude. Good lookin' out Bro...But does anyone know anything about the Jack's Classic Blossom Booster? 'Cause I can get that shit tomarrow before I...
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    Nute/Food for Flowering

    Thanks guys, do you know where I can find some of that stuff in like a store? 'Cause I can't get it from the internet, I need to to pay cash and I want to get some shit like A.S.A.P.!!!! Fox Farm Big Bloom, Fox Farm Tiger Bloom, or Fox Farm Beastie Bloomz, for the rest of my Flower. Any one know...
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    Nute/Food for Flowering

    I've been using Miracle-Gro Household Plant Food for my first M.J. grow, it seems to have worked fine throughout the vegitive phase but i'm not sure if it's ok for Flowering. It's 8-7-6 is this ok? Or should I get something else as fast as I can? Also, the soil I use is Miracle-Gro 3 months of...
  17. S

    MALE???? HELP please my first time!!!!

    thanks dude. ~ JRock.
  18. S

    MALE???? HELP please my first time!!!!

    Also dude, is HPS and MH just a different kind of bulb I can put in any of my regular lamps? Or do I have to buy a fixture aswell? And, do you know the price range for a 400watt or 1000watt HPS or MH bulb/fixture? Thanks again brother. ~ JRock.
  19. S

    MALE???? HELP please my first time!!!!

    True that man, I moved them closer and put up some Aluminum Foil all around her. And HPS lights, I heard they're like the best for growing but I don't know where I can get them. I looked for HPS lights at Walmart last time I went to get more flourescents but I didn't see any(But I really don't...
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    Don't know who your gettin pissed at, but I meant what I said. Your plants are fuckin' awsome, and your going to have a lot-o-pot bro. ~ JRock.