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  1. S

    harvest day!!!

    Holy shit bro, She is one bad bitch!!!! I so wish I was you right now. ~ JRock.
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    help me please

    It allllll depends on the drug test. Hair or saliva tests and you will probably pop if you've like been in a baked room/car everyday or every other day for a good period of time(Days/Weeks) right before your test. But a piss test I can almost promiss you you WILL NOT fail from being near/around...
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    Question about light reflection.

    I have all white walls in my grow room and I read abunch of stuff that said that white walls are good for reflecting light, so if you don't have white walls you should put up some white papers all around your grow spot. But I have seen a lot of you more experienced growers in here use all these...
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    How long before males pollinate?

    I would want it if it was a hermie so I could harvest the seeds for my next grow b/c then they would be feminized seeds. I'm thinking about stressing 1 or 2 of my plants next grow so I can try to harvest herme seeds. But it doesn't matter now, no one answered my question in time so I killed him...
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    Damn dude, your the best first time grower i've ever seen!!!! Your going to have so much bud you could swim in it, you lucky bastard. ~ JRock.
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    How long before males pollinate?

    How long does it take from like the first week or two when you find out your plants a male until it pollinates the females? I think I might have a herme but I want to be sure before I go thru the trouble of making a seperate grow room for the he/she, but I don't want to risk pollinating my only...
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    1st grow, 1/2 harvested. What do ya think!!!

    excellent looking buds bro, i'm on my first grow, got one lady and if she turns out half as good as yours i'll bust-a-nut in my pants.
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    Male or Female?! Helllllllp

    Thats exactly how it was for me, very sad.
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    MALE???? HELP please my first time!!!!

    About the lights - I have 2 (24 inch) flourescents with plant and aqaurium bulbs that I think are 20watts each maybe more. Then I have 2 flourescent lamps that take flourescent bulbs that fit in regular fixtures. Both bulbs are 100watts each. And by the way I do have 1 female thank God!!!! And...
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    Male or Female?! Helllllllp

    Looks male, sorry buddy I know how you must feel. I had to kill 2 of my plants 2day b/c they were males, and looks like I might have a third. That leaves me with 1 female out of 4, unless she turns out male to. Which better not happen.
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    MALE???? HELP please my first time!!!!

    I wouldn't really mind if I only had 1-5 males out of like 10 plants, but I only had 4 plants and 2 are deffinitly males and a third looks like it's a male. So I will only end up with 1 or maybe 2 females if i'm lucky. I better have atleast 1 female or i'm going to snap!!!!
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    MALE???? HELP please my first time!!!!

    How do you clone? And do you always need root hormone or can you just use water?
  13. S

    MALE???? HELP please my first time!!!!

    I'm not sure yet, I know b/c of your help that my 2 best plants are stupid, gay males. And I think a third might be going in that direction too, I will know by tomarrow, but I think atleast 1 is a female thank God!!!! It has no balls and looks like a couple of small hairs are coming out, and I...
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    MALE???? HELP please my first time!!!!

    DAMN IT!!!! That really sucks, thanks for the help dude.
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    MALE???? HELP please my first time!!!!

    DAMN IT!!!! That really sucks, but thanks for the help dude.
  16. S

    MALE???? HELP please my first time!!!!

    This is my first grow and I need help please, I am growing 4 plants and they're a week into flowering and from the looks of them it seems I might have at least 2 maybe even 3 males. Worst luck ever, but I want to be sure before killing my babies b/c the 2 that I am almost sure are males are my...