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  1. budforever442200

    160 plant indoor grow

    12/23/07 jah love
  2. budforever442200

    160 plant indoor grow

    :hump:12/6/07 update
  3. budforever442200

    160 plant indoor grow

    11/24/07 update
  4. budforever442200


    here are pics from 11/24/07
  5. budforever442200

    160 plant indoor grow

    160 plant started on Tuesday, November 20, 2007 from clones i took from a unkown strain. Planted in black gold soil, all flora nova nutes with the kabloom liquid in beg flower and powder in late flower flushed with kleen. 7 1000w hps hydrofarm lights. fantec fans co2 the whole time please...
  6. budforever442200

    Never saw this question around...

    if you let it keep going after the hairs turn 3/4 red, its going to get less potent. 150g on one plant? is it outdoor your talking about?
  7. budforever442200

    How many crops?

    Yes. its a annual, it only grows one crop. you can try to cut just the tops off and try to turn the bottom back into veg but it would take alot of time, and is only used once someone has seen a plant thay like and want to keep it for another grow. what do you need help with?
  8. budforever442200

    Death! What Went Wrong???

    Wow. that was.... Wow
  9. budforever442200

    Is this a hermaphrodite

    Yeah hard to tell. but if i had to bet i would say it looks like a female.
  10. budforever442200

    --tech209'z 400w hps 8sq'z closet SOG hindu kush log--

    yeah mon! you can only get better. spread jah love!:joint:
  11. budforever442200

    --tech209'z 400w hps 8sq'z closet SOG hindu kush log--

    you cut almost too much, i leave a little tiny bit more but your seeing root and thats good!! cant wait to see the pix.
  12. budforever442200

    How easy is it to get a club card?

    Shit i almost dont want it to be legal for a couple years. enough time to make some money! once it is big tobbaco is going to have the bull by the nuts. im going to be like a small brewery.
  13. budforever442200

    Bubble Bags Question

    i cut holes in the bottom of the 5 gal bucket. then i put the smallest size bag in the bottom, followed by the bag thats right below the leaf bag, then the bag that takes the leaf material out. i freez all material wet or dry. get paint bags and put the trim in the paint bags. then in the wash...
  14. budforever442200

    --tech209'z 400w hps 8sq'z closet SOG hindu kush log--

    They look good. i say a couple days and you will be posting pics of roots!
  15. budforever442200

    How easy is it to get a club card?

    a medical marijuana card is easyr to get than a drivers license. If you want it to be legal, POWER IN NUMBERS!
  16. budforever442200

    --tech209'z 400w hps 8sq'z closet SOG hindu kush log--

    discoler(yellow) of lower fan leaves is good. it means that the plant is useing the energy in the leaf for other things. LIKE ROOTS!!
  17. budforever442200

    --tech209'z 400w hps 8sq'z closet SOG hindu kush log--

    Id cut more leaf. but they look good.
  18. budforever442200

    What did you think of marijuana as a kid?

    JAH(god) almost made acid(its a mold). And DMT is what you body releases when your born and when you die.
  19. budforever442200

    What did you think of marijuana as a kid?

    I have smoked with 95% of my friends parents. They always get a kick out of the pot now-a-days, and they always get soooo baked.