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  1. budforever442200

    160 plant indoor grow

    Yes i'll take one for you today. I use clonex gel to dip. and the liquid for the ez-cloner and to mist with somtimes. yeah ill post yield when its done. the room is.........sh1t i dont know!:confused: ill post that today too.
  2. budforever442200

    I'm Not F%ckin' around with This Hash Thing Anymore

    Love seeing people use ther wash. i swear by it!!!!!good job Im about to make some wash hash myself. also i made this in the wash...
  3. budforever442200

    160 plant indoor grow

    such a bitch. Luckly i have a very loving girlfriend who helps ALOT. Yet it all start agin........
  4. budforever442200

    Help Me Name A Strain

    what do you think? I was also thinking "christmas treeson"
  5. budforever442200

    Help Me Name A Strain

    I agree. can you imagin a guy a the canna club, behind the glass case be like" you need to try some taaadddaaaa!!!" But in the "right voice", over and over all day? I think im going with "sugar tits"
  6. budforever442200

    160 plant indoor grow

    I have had all kinds of stuff before. but this one got ROOT APHIDS, that sucked balls. but thank god im friends with the hydro store owner and he is a amazing. we got rid..... yes rid.... of the root aphids.:hump::mrgreen::blsmoke: They got about 3-4ft. Here are more pics of drying.
  7. budforever442200

    160 plant indoor grow

    Its ok. i think its messed up but i got a temp/humid thing to check and its still working:confused:
  8. budforever442200

    160 plant indoor grow

    Too much!:spew: I dont want to talk about it yet. And also this is a medical garden.
  9. budforever442200

    160 plant indoor grow

    I meant to say "Give"...
  10. budforever442200

    Hamster vs bottled CO2

    a hamster breaths 4 time a sec. and breaths out 10ppm every breath sooooo if 4=4xz-10y(3)*sqf= your answer......Easy!
  11. budforever442200

    160 plant indoor grow

    here is a dog.
  12. budforever442200

    How to start and use "Aerospring 400W HPS Package"

    this room was built for 335 tops(minus the ez-cloner) its my mom room. its in $25 bag of black gold soil a $250 1000w hps I bought a conversion bulb hps-->mh $60 but you dont have to. a small pump-$20 a little water tube with some drips $20 a little fan 20 i water every 2-3 days and if i get a...
  13. budforever442200

    Help Me Name A Strain

    ITS NAME IS "SUGAR TITS" thanks all the people who commented.
  14. budforever442200

    160 plant indoor grow

    I dont know the yeild yet because we are still drying. but im thinking 7-10lb. thats what its always been between. Thank you guys for the comments. i cant ever tell anyone who i GIVE it to that i grew it so i never really get complimented. thanks you guys!!! JAH LOVE!
  15. budforever442200

    Help Me Name A Strain

    I like mclovin. hahaaa
  16. budforever442200

    Help Me Name A Strain

    I think the name is going to be SUGAR TITS
  17. budforever442200

    can i change my journal title/headline?

    can i change my journal headline? i miss named it and cant edit the title of it. can anyone help?:confused: Thanks...and jah love.....
  18. budforever442200

    160 plant indoor grow

    also some hash i made with it and some dry
  19. budforever442200

    160 plant indoor grow

    This is a little drying. BY the way, i think its name is going to be...SUGAR TITS.........:hump: