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  1. W

    Mau5Capades: builds & grow journal

    Y'all can't detect sarcasm? "Nuke 'em from orbit" didn't tip you off?
  2. W

    Toxic Flint Water.

    That said, frica is right. You can't sell it and I'd hate to see you use it yourself.
  3. W

    Toxic Flint Water.

    Here you go, Yoda's cracked it for you. Do a google on heavy metal testing, inductively coupled plasma, and University of Michigan. There have to be research papers out there from UM, it's one of the preeminent schools in the world. If not there, maybe a univ closer to home. Find a name and...
  4. W

    Mau5Capades: builds & grow journal

    Nah, I get exactly what you're saying and I agree in principle. But he's got a nice spread, he can gain whatever relative COB efficiency he wants via his dimmer, and he probably doesn't need another egg for the space he's going to light. And you're totally discounting the whole...
  5. W

    Toxic Flint Water.

    Cool. Thanks for this.
  6. W

    Toxic Flint Water.

    I can't find anything that directly addresses lead and cannabis. Not saying it's not out there, just nothing pops up in a casual search. What I've read says heavy metal uptake is greatly influenced by the pH at the root, relative concentrations of the lead to other metals, temperature, yadda...
  7. W

    Doctors getting kickbacks from Lps?

    Is it actually a drug up there? It's my understanding that in the states it's not. There is no prescription written, just some kind of quasi-half-ass approval. If it was a drug it would never make it to market from what I've seen.
  8. W

    Healing with psychedelics

    Well, I was referring to the Mayans and Shamans in Siberia, Mesoamerica, and Amazonia but yeah, other places, too.
  9. W

    Healing with psychedelics

    Sorry, I'm just so used to knee-jerk, snarky trolling I'm doing it myself. Inexcusable. Apologies. To answer your q, entheogens are actually quite easy to obtain. Depending on where you live a stroll around your neighborhood can reveal enough to stun a small army. You'll need to research...
  10. W

    Healing with psychedelics

    Ah, it's San Pedro. DIY store in the US, it has a garden center.
  11. W

    The 3 Industries Killing Legal Weed

    Caveat emptor is fine unless you need an HPLC rig to test your pot. I just roll my eyes at the folks on here who go on and on ad nausem about the 'Man' and crooked corporations and then I see them discussing using pesticides "but not in the last two weeks of flowering." Gee, thanks.
  12. W

    Doctors getting kickbacks from Lps?

    How is this I don't know Canadian laws but I sure know HIPAA in the US: A practice breaching confidentiality by referring to a patient by name? Lawsuit. A practice getting a list of subscribers from the LP that they could cross-check against their patient pool? Kosher. It's a strange...
  13. W

    Healing with psychedelics

    Cute. There is an entheogen section at Lowes if you know what you're looking for. You clearly don't.
  14. W

    Mau5Capades: builds & grow journal

    Lol don't piss in his Cheerios. He can dim them to 1400--or even 700--and gain efficiency. I think he has too much cowbell at full amps, but it's not something that isn't correctable with a twist of a knob. Agree, but it's still a very nice light that he can run at whatever efficiency he...
  15. W

    Mau5Capades: builds & grow journal

    He has a dimmer.
  16. W

    The 3 Industries Killing Legal Weed

    Sorry, ^^^ don't agree. You've never developed a drug. It's hugely expensive. And it's too bad that cannabis won't face some of the regulatory action drugs face. It needs it. The marijuana biz is as unsavory, rapacious, and uncaring as any I've seen. Try to get unadulterated medical pot...
  17. W

    WTF is this?? Need help RIU

    Your avatar freaks me out. Dunno why. Dumb, schmumb. It was ill-advised maybe, but live and learn. The little Jewish grannie I bring to the grocery store every week would call you a mensch for not using poison. Four out of four locally-procured samples I had assayed were contaminated with...
  18. W

    WTF is this?? Need help RIU

    Thank you. That was the responsible thing to do. Pyrethrums aren't safe, contrary to conventional wisdom. Sulfur for mites seems safer. Pyrethroids: Inhalation: coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, runny or stuffy nose, chest pain, or difficulty breathing. Skin contact: rash, itching...
  19. W

    The 3 Industries Killing Legal Weed

    Cite the article. There are a few pharmas--very few--who make significant profit from treating chronic pain, which is the biggest legitimate use for cannabis. If they lobby against cannabis I'd be surprised, and I'd bet their $$$ are significantly less than the black-market lobby that is...