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  1. jcommerce

  2. jcommerce

    8000k 20' x 20' x 9.5' RDWC Sealed Flower Room + 200 sq. ft. Mother/Veg Room

    <<<Likes Phillp's new's where I wanna be! Like Tupac said (almost)....picture me trollin.
  3. jcommerce

  4. jcommerce

    CNN - Incarceration Nation and MMJ

    Check the vid too:
  5. jcommerce

    8000k 20' x 20' x 9.5' RDWC Sealed Flower Room + 200 sq. ft. Mother/Veg Room

    Since I have 8 1k ballasts and 8 1k lamps...I guess 8 1k rigs will be the route taken. ; )
  6. jcommerce

    Large Volume Water Changes in RDWC

    Anyone else out there with experiences or methods to share?
  7. jcommerce

    8000k 20' x 20' x 9.5' RDWC Sealed Flower Room + 200 sq. ft. Mother/Veg Room

    My original plan was to run 3 in a row...would sure help with my power bill. This would mean the bulbs would be approx. 6 feet apart (2.5' - 8.5' - 14.5')...and that sounded a little too far to me (pushing that 6 x 6 footprint). Since these hoods are 42'" long, the hoods themselves would really...
  8. jcommerce

    For You Bay Area Folks

    COME TO THE SF UNITY RALLY ON TUESDAY APRIL 3Posted March 31st, 2012 by canorml_admin March 31, 2012 - California NORML invites friends & supporters to rally in protest of the Department of Justice's attack on medical marijuana at S.F. City Hall on Tuesday, April 3rd. In a report to Congress...
  9. jcommerce

    8000k 20' x 20' x 9.5' RDWC Sealed Flower Room + 200 sq. ft. Mother/Veg Room

    Good to have you onboard Phillip, You have highlighted a point and I appreciate it. Great minds think alike and, although 1000 watters in giant hoods supposedly have workable footprints of 6 x 6, I was not sold on planning things around this figure. As I always tend to work off of the lower end...
  10. jcommerce

    8000k 20' x 20' x 9.5' RDWC Sealed Flower Room + 200 sq. ft. Mother/Veg Room

    It's about 10 inches below the 9.5' ceiling. It has a bunch of directional settings, from straight down to 45 degrees upward...and a couple oscillating at different angles. The remote is awesome, it's also the thermostat....mounted it on the wall mid room about 5 foot height.
  11. jcommerce

    8000k 20' x 20' x 9.5' RDWC Sealed Flower Room + 200 sq. ft. Mother/Veg Room

    !) New electrical 2) Mini Split 3) Now that's a CFL! (105 watt) hating on CFLs here...I love em for supplemental! 4) In case you wondered what $10 large in equipment looks like 5) Excited to play with this Atmospheric Controller 6) Adjustable jet nozzle at each plant site
  12. jcommerce

    DWC ?'s

    Small DWCs, I changed every couple weeks. On a bigger, 12 bucket system (80 gallon volume) i used to run, i was very successful witha partial (30%) water change at about 4 week into flower, and the final flush...that's it. With RO topoff water, it's least it was for me. I wasnt...
  13. jcommerce


    Wow, that last shot is awesome!
  14. jcommerce

    8000k 20' x 20' x 9.5' RDWC Sealed Flower Room + 200 sq. ft. Mother/Veg Room

    Nice shot and nice room!...but you're making my argument for me. You say 9 lights for 15 x 15 up to 18 x 18. That's 9 lights for a 225 - 324 square foot grow area footprint. I'm using 8 lights for a 216 sq. ft. footprint (18 x 6 x 2). I'm actually better than your ratio for your 6 lights in...
  15. jcommerce

    1000 Watt RDWC Setup

    Thank you...High Times agreed...was their home page pic for a month last year. I can't find my Sensi Star pics...they were very good...but as far as Paradise goes, I prefer the Ice Cream...people always raved about it. Beware that the feminized tend to hermie and micro seed...go with the...
  16. jcommerce

    What is better, two 250 bulbs or single 400?

    I'd personally go with the single 400. Since it's in a tent, you can line the walls with mylar and add a few supplemental CFLs in the corners. I did this and consistently pulled 6 - 8 ozs. off of 4 plants. One light, one ballast, minimal ducting with single hood, etc. Was easy to maintain...
  17. jcommerce

    8000k 20' x 20' x 9.5' RDWC Sealed Flower Room + 200 sq. ft. Mother/Veg Room

    LOL...I'll be eating Ramen for Xmas '12 if this thing doesn't get running soon.
  18. jcommerce

    8000k 20' x 20' x 9.5' RDWC Sealed Flower Room + 200 sq. ft. Mother/Veg Room

    I disagree, if you look at the diagram in the 1st post, you'll see that each row of 4 lights will be covering an approx. 18 x 6 area. That equates to one light per 6' x 4.5' rectangle or 27 sq. ft....well under your max 6 x 6 or 36 sq. Each plant will have a 3' x 3' growth area...3 plants per...
  19. jcommerce


    Let's see some Killing Fields pics! Anyone seen any (or been a vendor of) Sannie's in dispensaries?