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  1. jcommerce

    8000k 20' x 20' x 9.5' RDWC Sealed Flower Room + 200 sq. ft. Mother/Veg Room

    Now you've got me paranoid...maybe I'll just pull a Michael Jackson and moon walk outta here. ; )
  2. jcommerce


    I'll see your Eek and raise you a Mykal Rose: <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> WTF? How do you embed?
  3. jcommerce

    Large Volume Water Changes in RDWC

    Yes, will be running a 1/2 HP chiller rated for 320 gallons. What do you mean by coolers? I'm a dog person. Botanicare (including Aqua Shield)
  4. jcommerce

    Large Volume Water Changes in RDWC

    Just looking for insight and experiences in large volume water changes for my upcoming rig ( ). It will have 24 x 14 gallon totes plus 50 gallon rez. The totes will be about 70% full, or 10 gallons and the rez will be...
  5. jcommerce

    Changing Reservoir

    First of all, I woudn't change em. Your plants are still young...when they are 5 - 6 weeks into flower, you'll be glad you left them in the 10s when you see the root mass. I've done setup I'm working on right now uses 14 gallon totes FWIW. Plus, more water volume = more dilution =...
  6. jcommerce

    8000k 20' x 20' x 9.5' RDWC Sealed Flower Room + 200 sq. ft. Mother/Veg Room

    Yeah, have thought about that as well...but with that scenario, in the Summer months it's going to be pulling 100F+ air into a nice, 75 degree room forcing the AC to work overtime. Conversely, in the winter, it will be pulling in low 30F+ air causing the heater to work extra as well (Veg will...
  7. jcommerce

    8000k 20' x 20' x 9.5' RDWC Sealed Flower Room + 200 sq. ft. Mother/Veg Room

    True...will probably go this route unless someone has any better ideas or methods??
  8. jcommerce

    Male/female ratio of reg seeds from sannies?

    Sounds like it might have been a runt. I bought 30 seeds...plan on popping 12 - 15, weeding out any stragglers, sexing, and vegging flowering top 4 - 6...hopefully get one that is mother worthy. Sannie seems to know his shit...and he notes KF, along with a few others, as being one of his...
  9. jcommerce


    The donkey punch avatar is killin
  10. jcommerce

    Male/female ratio of reg seeds from sannies?

    Surprised to hear this, other reviews I've read say that this is a big yielder. What methods, lighting, nutes, etc are you using?
  11. jcommerce


    30 Killing Fields, 30 Sannies Jack, 30 Selene...arrived in 2 weeks. Anyone seeing any of his strains in dispensaries?
  12. jcommerce


    Gladiators, Mighty Diamonds, 10 ft. Ganja Plant, Black Uhuru, Luciano, Abyssinians, Alpha Blondy, Twinkle Brothers, Army, etc, etc, etc
  13. jcommerce

    8000k 20' x 20' x 9.5' RDWC Sealed Flower Room + 200 sq. ft. Mother/Veg Room

    I was thinking the same thing. They are in two, different buildings but they are only about 3 feet apart....although I'm not really excited about making four large penetrations (interior and exterior walls in each bldg), especially the flower since it's basically a brand new building with new...
  14. jcommerce

    ideal temperature...... under lights or in room?

    I got one of these (similar) and it's proven to be even better than expected. Point and shoot....excellent for exact leaf temps, soil temps, containters, equipment, etc. etc. I think mine ranges from -45F to 600F. They are awesome!
  15. jcommerce

    8000k 20' x 20' x 9.5' RDWC Sealed Flower Room + 200 sq. ft. Mother/Veg Room

    I'm having a bit of a dilema here and hopefully someone on RIU land can help. My flower room is worries there. However, my Mother/Veg room is also sealed, but I don't have a co2 source. Due to seasonal and daily major temperature fluctuations (35 - 70F Winter & 55 - 105F Summer)...
  16. jcommerce

    8000k 20' x 20' x 9.5' RDWC Sealed Flower Room + 200 sq. ft. Mother/Veg Room

    The equipment listed in OP was about $12k not including mini split. If you include my cost to upgrade power, the HVAC, and the 2 month don't even want to know. ;-)
  17. jcommerce

    1000 Watt RDWC Setup

    Some pics of the Ice Cream:
  18. jcommerce

    8000k 20' x 20' x 9.5' RDWC Sealed Flower Room + 200 sq. ft. Mother/Veg Room

    This is the setup I will be using for the mothers, except I've upgraded the pump to an 1800 GPH Pan World:
  19. jcommerce

    8000k 20' x 20' x 9.5' RDWC Sealed Flower Room + 200 sq. ft. Mother/Veg Room

    Ha Ha, gotcha! Yes I did, I f'd up the dimensions. Good catch!
  20. jcommerce

    8000k 20' x 20' x 9.5' RDWC Sealed Flower Room + 200 sq. ft. Mother/Veg Room

    Veg room is 200 sf with 8' ceiling, Flower is 400 sf with 9.5' ceiling.