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  1. S

    Welcome New Members!

    Sorry i tried to put the pics in order but the pics got scrambled during when i loaded the post
  2. S

    Welcome New Members!

    Okay, i'm new to this so let me give you the specs: 1 42watt cfl light 2 20cfl lights outside and miracle grow soil, aluminum foil as a light reflector (mylar is on the way) some miracle grow-bat guano water mixture until my nutes get here and this is how the plant looks at 3 weeks give a take a...
  3. S

    Welcome New Members!

    i'm only seeing pistils on the very top of my plant, im growing outside so is that normal? if so when will i see the rest of my plant do the same thing? One more seeing the pistils the start of the flowering period?
  4. S

    Welcome New Members!

    that's great news, can't wait to see it fully grown. another question, that was only at the top of my plant, how long will it take before i see that all over my plant?
  5. S

    Welcome New Members!

    hi, i just started outdoor growing, if i'm not mistaken this is a girl right? can use all the help i can get
  6. S

    Welcome New Members!

    hi, can anyone tell me the sex of this plant
  7. S

    Welcome New Members!

    hi, i'm growing outdoors and was trying to see if anybody could tell me if this is a boy or girl