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  1. S

    First Indoor Grow....

    Got pics of my first indoor grow, it's a sativa and i've been feeding it molasses and worm casting tea with a drop of superthrive, been growing for a month and just transplanted a couple of days ago so it's still recovering but so far so good. Please leave any comments on what I can do better...
  2. S

    When I GROW up...

    just a update of pics since the 2nd of may..gotten pretty big in 4 days, um lst 4 of the fan leaves if you look real close you can see what i'm talking about, about to transfer next week, just fed it today and letting it dry out till next sunday for transfer, by then the fan leaves should be...
  3. S

    When I GROW up...

    lol...really hard! Thanks for the info...when i get back down to fla where i'll be able to grow outside i'll do that.
  4. S

    1st grow =) with pictures, would love any advice!

    showin some love on your thread, plants look really good, my daughter pulled out my last plant that looked like that (bagseed grow) so I can't wait to see how your grow turns out.
  5. S

    First time grow w/ pics

    im using miracle grow soil, along with molasses and superthrive till flowering, imma definitely follow your thread, my new thread is When i GROW up on newbie central also...good luck
  6. S

    gotta new thread in newbie central, When i GROW up

    gotta new thread in newbie central, When i GROW up
  7. S

    Doing a thread on my grow at newbie central...When i GROW up

    Doing a thread on my grow at newbie central...When i GROW up
  8. S

    First time grow w/ pics

    only been growin a couple weeks imma give it another month before i start...When i GROW up is my new thread in Newbie Central, follow and comment.
  9. S

    what's good, follow my When i GROW up thread in newbie

    what's good, follow my When i GROW up thread in newbie
  10. S

    When I GROW up...

    Hey Riu...started my first grow indoors (outdoors went well but someone stole it a couple weeks before harvest) and wanted to share my thoughts and pics of the grow, feel free to follow, enjoy pics, and feel free to comment. I use molasses, superthrive, and cfl's 5000k 16500 lumens.. enjoy
  11. S

    Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now

    last pics wasn't that nice, here are some new photosthe first photo was took 22 of april, the next 3 today's photos from the better camera, they grow up so fast....enjoy and comment
  12. S

    Help needed male flowers?

    last pics wasn't that nice, here are some new photosthe first photo was took 22 of april, the next 3 today's photos from the better camera, they grow up so fast....enjoy and comment
  13. S

    Welcome New Members!

    last pics wasn't that nice, here are some new photosthe first photo was took 22 of april, the next 3 today's photos from the better camera, they grow up so fast....enjoy and comment
  14. S

    First time grow w/ pics

    last pics wasn't that nice, here are some new photosthe first photo was took 22 of april, the next 3 today's photos from the better camera, they grow up so fast....enjoy and comment
  15. S

    Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now

    last pics wasn't that nice, here are some new photosthe first photo was took 22 of april, the next 3 today's photos from the better camera, they grow up so fast....enjoy and comment
  16. S

    First time grow w/ pics

    only been growin for about 3 weeks, should i really repot of give it a week or two?
  17. S

    Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now

    i appreciate it, thinkin about some smart pots for transfer in about 2 weeks was the post for seeds for me or somebody else, didn't wanna get confused
  18. S

    Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now

    think i should repot or i should keep it in the same pot, don't wanna cause stress